Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by Omnislash

Copied from the forum post



Welcome to the Clawbies launch MYO event, im very existed to be sharing this species with others and I’m hoping it will be liked. 
This event will last until the 15th

What are Clawbies?

Clawbies are anthro or feral creatures that seem to originate from claw machines, no one has actually seen one be created but once they are they’re always found inside or outside of them before leaving their original machine

The most common theory others have is they come from toys and items that have been left in claw machines too long, but no matter how they may have come into existence they are still a part of society.

They come in two variations, normal Clawbies and a rare variant referred to as the Tamagotchi  Clawbies.

You can find more information about them in their world



To participate in this MYO event, you will be able to decide between a regular Clawbie with 2 rare traits or a Tamagotchi Clawbie with an optional rare trait

To gain a MYO TICKET for a regular/Tamagotchi+ rare traits you will need to:

-Join the world 

-Make a bulletin sharing the species 

-Tag 2 people

Please make sure to specify which you’re making as to be able to transfer the correct MYO ticket

If you fail to do these things you will not be given you MYO ticket

These MYO tickets do not expire. 


- joined the world!
- shared here!
- tagging: blackdogz Jimmy-Mushrooms

For which type?

oh right! sorry abt that, id like the Tamagotchi type!

Sending it over

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Sending it over in a moment!

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Sent a request to enter in the world! >w<

Let Echoklang (Sorry for the ping!! ;`3)

For which type?

The normal one! <3

Sending it over

Request to join clawbies!

dizzyglitchez RoseTabby

bulletin is the first thing on my profile 

(sorry for the random tag guys you are the only people I know)

For wich type of myo?

tomagotchi please

Sending over!

Got it! Thank you!

For which type?

The rare one

Tamagotchi Clawbie or normal with 2 rare trait?


I’ll send it over in amoment

1 Replies

soo this species interested me
request join and
Natalia-Clark kennyandkyle


I’ll send it over in a moment

ty a lot :3

Hi, your species is lovely, so glad I'm discovering it now !


I'd like to get a tamagotchi plus rare trait, please :3

I’ll send it in a moment

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I’ll send your MYO in a moment!



for the normal clawbie w/ 2 rare traits :D

I’ll send you your MYO in a Moment!

thanks so much! <33

here's my bulletin 

pings: nira_dreaming  dhskitti  

(i don't know fully how to ping someone

sent my request

Which type are you gonna want?

I would like a Tamagotchi Clawbie with a rare trait (the glass one) :3

I’ll send your MYO in a moment ^^


The bulletin :D
Tags le Fil3-n0t-foun6-mp4 and Soulvee_Productionz 
(I don't know if the tags worked cause I've never tagged someone before lmao help pls)
Hopefully this is okay? Tell me if I need to change anything and thanks for pointing this out to me <3
Can I grab a regular with the 2 traits if they are still available.

You don’t seem to be a member of the worst/request to be one

I think I added a request, I'm still pretty new to TH and don't know how this works. Sorry for the mess up.

It’s fine don’t worry, I’ll send you your MYO slot in a bit

Thank you so much <3

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I’ll send it over in a moment!

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I’ll send over your myo in a moment 

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I’ll send over your MYO in a moment

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Ty for joining! I’ll send over you MYO in a moment 

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don't have two people to tag so could I just get a normal one with 1 rare trait thank you ^^ this is such a cool looking species

I’ll send your MYO over In a moment!

calicogutz Yayip (sorry for the ping besties)
here’s the bulletin I made!! 

I’ll take a regular clawbie with the two rare traits!

Have a lovely day <3

I’ll trasnfer your MYO to you in a moment!




here's the bulletin! this species seems so neat :D I'd like a tamagochi w rare trait please

I’ll send over your MYO in a moment! Ty for participating in this 


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I’ll send over your MYO in a moment!

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I’ll send over your MYO in a moment!

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Joined the world

crowbobot Xurkit (Sorry for pings, I just need two people to tag)

I will like a Tamagotchi myo with the rare trait

I’ll send ver your myo in a moment

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That’s fine don’t worry, you’ll still get the 2 rare traits ^^
ill send over your MYO in a moment!

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uhm hello these are really neat! tagging catlover (you seem to like original species :]) and paulfreese08 (dude just look at them!!!). my bulletin is right here

i'd love to get a regular clawbie w 2 rare traits, thanks!

I’ll be sending your MYO slot over in a moment!

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I’ll send over your MYO in a moment! ^^

Rll nice miku pfp btw

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This user's account has been closed.
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Your Myo should be sent over! Glad you’re joining the Myo event

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I totally forgot to make that, thank you for that suggestion 

I joined the world, made a bulletin and I'm tagging sprink and polaroid (sorry guys ;;)

I'd like a tamagochi slot with a rare trait please!

btw I really love this idea! :D

I’ll send over you MYO slot!!


Joined plus made a bulletin!

Tagging SadMasked_Ghost and SmolSuperNova , as they might be interested!! Thanks for the chance at making one of these guys!

I'd like a tomagotchi myo please :)

I’ll send your MYO over in a moment!

Tysm ^^

Joined the world and Bulletin.

Tags: FR_Jaaz Douglass_Symph Cassious

I can get tamagotchi + rare trait? :0

I’ll send your MYO over in a moment!

Ty! :333

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I’ll send the MYO over in a moment!

joined world, bulletin here, tagging Melissa_Titanium and Reny (sorry haha) !!
can i get a tamagotchi one with 1 rare trait :000

Ty for joining the event! I’ll send you your MYO in a moment!


I aked permission to join
I made a bulletin:

And tagging 2 people: Supercyborgdino DyscoBlazingFrost (Sorry guys-)

I would like a Tamagotchi with rare trait please :)

Your MYO would she sent over!

Coolio! Thank you so much! :D

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I’ll send over your MYO in a moment!

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Requested to join

kibblekibz TangerineHound (sorry for the pings!)

Could I get Tamagotchi with a rare trait?

I’ll send the MYO in a moment!

Request to join the world

Miud iimagura BlueHover


can i get the rare trait?  ;0

Which type? Normal or tamagotchi?

Tamagotchi...sorry I forgot to put it x"D

I’ll be sending it over in a moment!

Requested to join the world, bulletin, tagging Kekoathecrazyk9 and HowardLotor

Could I get the Tamagotchi with the rare trait?  ^^

I’ll send over your MYO in a moment!

Joined the world, here’s my bulletin , and tagging N1K1 and Karacal 

Sorry for the pings besties 🙏

Could I get a regular clawbie with two rare traits? :o

I’ll send over your MYO in a moment!

bulletin + part of the world  

theoverbear KirbyFunCruise  i have no remorse for tagging you

 may I get a regular clawbie with 2 rare traits 🙏 pleas 

I’ll send over the MYO in a moment!

got it ty

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Your MYO will be sent over in a few moments!

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Your MYO should be sent over!

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- requested membership  
- and made a bulletin

NameName27 Moi_toie ((sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged, but I thought you might be interested :] )) 

I’d like to get a regular Clawbie with 2 rare traits :D 

Your MYO should be sent to you!

Thank you!

I joined the world!


Grimmsnarl_Gaymer and 404NeverFound Get over here!

I want an evil muppet guy in a plaid suit!

tamogachi if possible!

Your MYO should be trasnfered 

Okay; so do I draw the character, or do you?

MYO, stand for “Make Your Own”

You’ll be designing them and getting them aproved if they followed what’s needed

Got it!

Made a design, tell me what you think; 

That’s a good design for it, you can change the character creator credits on the slot and fully replace it with the character 

Joined the world! uwu

EmiKoizumi Miravee

And may I have a Tamagotchi Clawbie with a rare trait? :>

Of course, I’ll send over you MYO in a moment!

This user's account has been closed.

Your MYO will be sent in a moment!

pandoralilith Hunibi (sorry for the tags you were just the people i knew most here hopefully these work lMAO-)

i would like the normal with 2 rare traits (if the tags didnt work how dO I TAG-)

Your MYO should be sent to you!

i have 1 last question.. if i do glass, is it limited to like 1 arm or leg or can i do all 4limbs because i had an idea but i didnt now if it was limited

Maximum are 2 limbs

would that count for both rarites? or just one?? sorry for so many questions just wanna get it right lol

It would count for 1 of the rarities, if you want you can use both to have the 4

edi: i found 2 people to tag jgsrf

You can stil get a MYO doing the rest of the things, just 1 rare trait instead or 0 in a tamagotchi 

here is the bulletin !

Darkfin7 raincloud_anatomy

i would like the tamogachi + 1 rare please !!

Your MYO will be sent over in a moment!

thank you so much !!

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imagine pinging.

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Your MYO z will be sent in a moment!

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Thanks for joining! Which are you gonna want from the 2 options?

Could I have a tamogachi clawbie with an opt. Rare trait?

These look so amazing by the way! :D

Your MYO slot should be sent over!

Awesome, thank you sm!

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Ty for joining! Which are you gonna want? Regular + 2 rare traits or Tamagotchi + 1 rare?

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Your MYO should be sent!

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Thanks for joing the event! Which one are you gonna want?

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The MYO should be sent over!

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idk if were supposed 2 post our bulletins here but im gonna just in case

They can be posted on the forum or here, which type of MYO are you gonna want? 

alr ! good 2 know

and a regular myo 💪

I’ll send your MYO over in the a moment ^^

ty ! : D

What should I do if I don’t have 2 people to tag? (Will delete when answered, idk where to ask questions)

The 2 rare traits will be reduced to 1 in that case

Alright ty! Should I comment here or on forum?

Where you prefer to comment on ^^