flash character sale/offer + redesigns

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by plushpon

need to cover a bill so looking to sell these, comment on their profiles to offer please!



seeking $30+
ab: $50


seeking: $25+
ab: $50



seeking: $50+
ab: $80

the following are flat sale only
the prices are based on either commissioning art of the character as is
or getting a redesign of the character (cannot be dramatically different)
transfer wont be sent until the art is completed

any character listed here:
$50 - new art of character
$80 -  for a redesign of the character 

surprise redesigns (claimed)
if you own a character that you'd like a surprise redesign of, we'll offer 3 slots at $50
fairly simple/non-complex characters only at this time!
1. Kayohte
2. littlelapin
3. Peebo

cannot do any holds at this time


HEY SORRY IM confused a bit-- so would it ebe $80 for any oc listed in the link + a redesign of them? qwq;; because if so i'd love to buy the $80 tier for https://toyhou.se/9526352.monet

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Can I AB Glimmer?

hello! could i get https://toyhou.se/10685088.marnie#33635626 with the $80 redesign ? 

absolutely! thank you so much ;7; <3

when you're ready to, you can send payment to http://paypal.me/plushpon/80
and i'll add you to the list!

sent! is there a form or something to fill out for the redesign? 

yes! you can reply or dm me with it filled out ^^ feel free to include images or links for better reference & be as descriptive or loose as you'd like

character link: 
// (ex. feral, anthro, add pictures for anything specific!)
❌ avoid:
// (ex. colors, traits, etc.)
✅ include:
// (ex. hair style, accessories, etc.)
anything else?:

dmed, thank you! 

If the flatsale redesigns are still available I would love to get one of Koko!

ooh yeah! for sure! ^^
you can send to http://paypal.me/plushpon/80
and i'll add you to the queue!

Payment sent!

could you reply or dm me with this filled out for me? ^^

character link: 


// (ex. feral, anthro, add pictures for anything specific!)

❌ avoid:
// (ex. colors, traits, etc.)

✅ include:
// (ex. hair style, accessories, etc.)

anything else?:

character link: 
// https://toyhou.se/10110673.koko#31988214

// Alligator dog 

// Anthro

❌ avoid:
// Glass/Seethrough body (Drippy/liquid is fine!) 

✅ include:
// Palm trees (Can stay as horns or be elsewhere as a marking/accessory), A more crocodile / Dino like tail!

anything else?:
// I love the Miami/Florida vibes the design has, so maybe lean more into that if possible! 

I will offer 100 for ice cream zombie, please notify me if the bid goes up (if possible)

hiya, I'll just reply to you instead of editing my own comment
upping my offer to $150

Ah thank you! I’ll go to 200 please. ^^

ay that's the ab
congrats! will definitely doodle some fanart for ya in the future

I appreciate it!! I’ll be sure to ping if there’s any reason for UFO or disconnect in the future okay? ^^

omg that would be amazing! tysm

2 Replies

$80 ^^ you can input on the redesigned elements, so long as it's not too complex/detailed!

I'll offer the $80 min for the Icecream Zombie cutie
upped my offer to $150 in a reply to another offer

I'd like to claim a surprise redesign if possible!

that's the third one! ^^ thank you very much!
you can show me the character or have me choose one from a multiple c:

There are two that I have in mind, but lmk if you'd like more to choose from^^

https://toyhou.se/2325468.vulp/gallery#33798788 or https://toyhou.se/4092793.weebo-wip-

oOO, vulp i can see doing a lot with. would you want them to remain feral/quad or are you open to different anatomy/body types?

I'm fine with anything, just have fun with it^^

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; o ; thank you so much! you're welcome to show me one or multiple if you'd like me to choose one!

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a dm here should work out fine!

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you're welcome to give me some to choose from!

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glimmer is an offer, seeking $50 and autobuy at $100 ^^

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