a Beginners Guide - Angels

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by NarratorV


   [Angels hold the purpose of attending to the needs of their ruler, watching over Heaven, and watching over ARA. They are their Lord's little helpers.] Created from stars- picked from the sky or donated from gods- they are born from periods of incubation and burst into light when they are ready. Commonly- they take a corporeal appearance that can be more manageable and comprehensible to the mortal eye, or a more... unfurled look. Their more understandable form can be dubbed as a [FIXED FORM]. And for the more chaotic alternative- that can most often be called their BIBLICALLY ACCURATE appearance, but credited to some anonymous heterochromic mortalthis specific look can also be called their [RAW FORM].

   Power source coming from their [LORD], when angels cast magic- it doesn't take a toll on them, nor does it take any from their ruler either. Because of the connection to them and bond to the Ether, they buzz with magic and naturally heal. Though, not all angels [cast miracles as easily as others.] Much like perfecting a craft, it takes time and practice.

   When it comes to angels, there happen to be two differing- models, forms- archetypes that they can take after. [Birds] or [Satyrs].


   [SATYR ARCHETYPES] tend to typically take up the ranks of CHERUBS. That doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to rise to other ranks- as there are plenty that are SERAPHS or even among the THRONES, more so- they are better fit to being CHERUBS because of their older-sibling nature. They are nurturing and warm, wise and often have answers to inquires that may trouble lower or higher ranking angels. They are like Shepards herding sheep: leading the way for masses and almost acting like managers. They tend to enjoy company and do not do well alone..

   This is not to say that all satyr archetypes are like this, really the thing that they all have in common is their set of fluffy ears, they can either be long and floppy or short, and the same goes for their tails as well: docked or not. In edition, they are not limited to one pair of horns but have the possibility of having two sets. [It isn't impossible for a satyr archetype to have big wings] but more commonly, they have smaller sets.


   [BIRD ARCHETYPES] naturally are quick to work and are wonderful helpers, they can operate well in groups or alone- but in positions of leadership- they may tend to be competitive and it just falls apart there. That doesn't mean that they don't have great ideas though. Creative and curious, they move forward rather than stay still. That, and because of their eye for scavenging- sometimes they get distracted.

   Once again, not all angels of this form are like this, but in some way they do share some traits as the such- otherwise? In appearance, that is where it is at. There isn't one predominant area- but they commonly have quite the few wings, from 2 to 4 sets- even more or even less, they are the feathery kind: head, ankles, neck, back, lower back, waist- wherever-- wings galore, they can even surround the whole face and cover their head full! There may also be patches on their skin that have feathers, not wings but just feathers for warmth. Their feather colors often reflect the bird that they take after in association.



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