a Beginners Guide - Demigods

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by NarratorV


   [Uncommon and often lingering on the planet of ARA or      without knowing of their semi-celestial soul- these hybrids are more often not involved in any bigger god movements- they typically just live like normal mortals.]

   There are three ways how a [DEMIGOD] can be made.DEMIGOD_MUMBO.png

   [A mortal and a god can produce one.] Naturally, this is the more stable approach as there isn't any fear that the demigod's form will break and crumble to the weight of its [SOUL], as their body will be able to contain it with enough room to potentially [consume more soul to become a full god].

   [A mortal can combine its soul with a gods soul.] This can only happen if THE GOD THEMSELF IS WILLING TO GIVE UP THEIR SOUL. Have it be known, when this process occurs, the human host will not be themself, exactly. They are neither them or the god, they will become a new life entirely, wiped of their memory and starting over. Typically this process takes place when a god dies but- rarely since gods don't often die.

   [An angel can consume enough soul to become a demigod.] This in of itself is entirely possible but- has only happened a few times. Of course, due to the nature of [HEAVEN'S RULING] angels are supposed to remain as civil servants, but when they reach some degree of godhood- they aren't obligated to obey their [RULER] any longer. 

   Just like a normal [CELESTIAL], demigods typically live longer than any mortals, they aren't immortal- just more durable is all, they can definitely die of old age or- murder- or whatnot.


ey yo--looking 👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁

And I sure am looking at yo u. Hey hottie, come here often?? ;]

considering this is your first bulletin post, I don't believe so--but I sure do expect to come here more *winks back at you*

Oueheh <:]9

Funny enough though theres two more bulletin posts before this- I just worked discreetly, bing e s

I just noticed *shakes you*


thanks shotyboo Ú[Ú takin' a bite-