[Repost] Two stories in submerged limbo

Posted 5 years, 25 days ago by Almei

Which of these stories do you want to see happen?

0 Votes The Sweet Scorpion's Venom
1 Votes Crú

No, I'm not talking about stories already noticed by the folders, but about other stories that I did not even put here or forgot about the time

One of the stories is "The Sweet Scorpion's Venom" and tells the life of a guy prostitute. It is a masculine adaptation of the same work hormonia-titulo, but is better known as "Bruna Surfistinha". It has the same heavy Indicative classification of Dark Necessites and the biggest reason for not creating any character is for the simple fact that I am more adapting the story than creating in itself (insert only few minor characters and speak behind the scenes of adult pornographic films).

The other is "Crú". It also has the same copyright problem, but the difference is that I'm finally taking away everything that has to do with Boruko and focusing more on how the ocidental culture of relationships can be toxic.


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