ABC Prompt Thing I Saw

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Tacoma

A- Age: 20 let's get it

B- Biggest Fear: On like a not physical level, probably abandonment, but physically, elevators wig me out

C- Current Time: 11:23pm

D- Drink you last had: Water

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Either my mom or some of my friends online :]

F- Favorite Song: Fluorescein by Abandoned Pools

G- Ghosts, are they real: I can neither confirm nor deny

H- Hometown: Not gonna share that specifically since I still live there but I'll say northwest NJ

I- In love with: Nobody specifically

J- Jealous Of: Also nobody specifically

K- Killed Someone?: Me when hashtag slay or something idk I didn't see the movie

L- Last time you cried?: When my parents told me I couldn't go to the college I've been planning to go to for months bc we suddenly couldn't afford it (like three days ago)

M- Middle Name: Not gonna share that either

N- Number of Siblings: 2 in addition to myself

O- One Wish: To be happy in whatever I do in life

P- Person who you last called: My mom

Q- Question you're always asked: "Are you open for wine tastings today?" (I work at a winery)

R- Reason to smile: Roller coasters

S- Song last sang: The Cedar Point 150th anniversary parade song, it's so good

T- Time you woke up: Like 9:30am

U- Underwear Color: Boxers that are like plaid something w/ teal and purple

V- Vacation Destination: Literally at Cedar Point rn

W- Worst Habit: Says "Procrastination" like SpongeBob says "Imagination"

X- X-Rays you've had: My teeth n stuff at the dentist ig

Y- Your favorite food: steak slaps sm

Z- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (why is it an air sign like it sounds so much like it should be water related)


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