fully closed, ty!

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Jotaku

Hello!  I know this is a bit out of the blue, but would anyone happen to be interested in a semi-blind melwyrm custom that's able to pay in full now?  I was originally planning to have an adopt batch up by today but they're unfortunately not quite ready. /w\

Semi-blind melwyrms are $500 (or $700 with wyrm form), and come in this art style (the left-most being an example of a past semi-blind melwyrm I've done):

For semi-blinds I only send one WIP for edits after I have the design fully roughed out.  Keep in mind I don't do extensive editing rework for these, nor do I offer step-by-step mock-ups like with my bigger customs -- it's mostly a you-get-what-you-get type thing with a little room for adjusting along the way.

I really only need one right now, though I miiigggghhhht be willing to take on two -- however the second one will probably be quite a bit of a wait, just a heads up.  So if anyone's up for it please comment to claim!


OHHH congrats on the claim! I wish I had the money right now <3 your wyrms are absolutely amazing!

aw, missed em o3o)_ --But congrats on the well deserved quick grab!! :D🎉💖 I look forward to seeing what what you cook up with the prompt you're given! 🥰

id be down for a 700 custom w/o wips at all!! bc i wanna kinda send a moodboard and see u go bananas w it

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Hmm, I guess I wouldn't necessarily be opposed?   If it's just a matter of like an extra WIP at the sketch phase (so then - sketch, colors, last check-in?), I'd be open to working something out!
Mainly I'm just not in a spot where I feel like I'm up to taking on one of my full blown customs -- AKA ones that have multiple mock-ups at each phase.

But yeah, since you seem interested either way, I'll just go ahead and shoot you a PM to work out details? :D

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