Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by fuuwaku

FCFS MYO SLOT SALE  (8.7.2022)


🍓FCFS Yumi-pop MYO slot sale!🍓


Please make sure you read our terms of service before purchasing and designing your MYO, if you'd like real-time checking: please join our discord!

▪︎ There are 7 Slots in Total!
▪︎ You may claim for a friend!
▪︎ There is no deadline for designing your Yumi-pop. These slots do not expire!

▪︎ FCFS rule (first come first served)
▪︎ 1 slot per person!
▪︎ Remember that there is 1 week cooldown before selling/trading/gifting!
▪︎ MYO slot prices:  

- 2 Common MYO: 10$ each (2/2 available)
- 2 Rare MYO: 15$ each (2/2 available)
- 2 Mythic MYO: 25$ each (1/2 available)
- 1 Possessed MYO: 35$ each (1 available)

▪︎After finishing your Yumi-pop MYO Design, always remember to approve it by posting it on our discord or sending it to YUMIS_GRAVEYARD with the following form:

Username: Link to design: (sta.sh/discord link ect.)Designer: (link or @)
Slot link: 

▪︎ How to claim:
All you need to do is comment with the slot you'd like! (ex: Claim Possessed Slot) We will send you the paypal.me link when your claim has been confirmed. (If you'd like, you can put in your paypal email to make it easier/quicker.)

Deleted comments claiming an MYO will be warned.

▪︎ Claiming for other people:

Simply just @ the person you want to buy it for!


i’d like one posessed slot if you can send via invoice? is it okay to put my paypal email here or dm?

You can dm it to me!

Can I get a Mythic slot please? 

Yup! Please send 25$ to https://paypal.me/ukuleleninja 

Apologies. It may be a few days. My currency just had a severe drop last night. I'm still getting it though. 

It is paid! Sorry for it taking so long.