hey there i am taking two custom design slots starts at $95. may be more depending on complexity desired of the design

i can make anything from dark to cute. i prefer feral creatures.

examples that i find most notable:
- https://toyhou.se/17595545.adopt#53741558
- https://toyhou.se/17579098.sheep#53695622
- https://toyhou.se/17342498.ramm#53012793
- https://toyhou.se/17347548.sold#53028882
- https://toyhou.se/17337606.halcyon#52997116

dm me if interested

1. starwhiskers - done! https://toyhou.se/17598105.custom
2. cottagemoss - done! https://toyhou.se/17608161.custom


Would love to be pinged if you open these again!


I would also really like to be pinged if you open these up again!

i'd love a ping too if so!! but only if you're up for doing anthros ofc!! <:

I'd love a ping for when you open again!

i finished these up pretty quick and have the weekend free so i wouldn't mind doing another if you're interested!