Art Trade?

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Abandon3dRain

Looking to do a chibi trade with someone! my end will be like these itty bitties with light shading ;v; 




id be open to do an art trade! :) 

heres my dA gallery for some examples of my work:

That's cool with me! Who would you want me to draw? c:

If you want, you can draw any of my mascot characters. its totally up to you!

I can draw a simple full body of whatever character you'd like :) 

Do you draw humans/splatoon characters by chance?/ would be willing to try? c: 

Yeah! I can draw people, but I've never drawn a splatoon character before. I'm willing to give it a try : ) awesome in that case could you draw them? c:

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Sure! Who would you want me to draw? c:

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