Boundaries yipee ✨

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Aisy15_Chan

I'm just want join becuse it look neat heheh

Edit: i add thing yipe


can i used your art as pfp??

yeah sure! Just credit me! But pls don't used art i made for other people as pfp becuse they maybe not like it ^^

can i repost your art??

hm yeah you can. i can't stop you for repost my art but pls for dear God just credit me with site that i'm in, don't claim my art as your art & do not use my art for marketing use without my permissionthank you.

can i take inspiration from your art?

Sure! It totaly fine! But don't too much it not good.

can i trace your art?

Nope *bite you*

can i take inspiration from your designs?

Hm m sure- but just don't too much it not good.

can i draw your characters, alone or with mine?

Aye! aye! AYE! SURE-!! but if with your oc's... Hmm it fine but in romantic thing nope unless we have ship also NEVER DRAW MY OC'S IN NSFW! it makes me very uncomfortable so pls don't :[

are open to art req???

Never. Sorry.

are you open to art/design trades?

Yeah sure! If i'm in mood i will make post if open or just DM for ask (good luck!)

what art program do you use?

Mediabang, Sony Sketsa & 5 years old phone

what should I call you?

Aisy is my main! But you can me Rin if you think i more look masculin or Jolt becuse i'm jolteon??? Well I have lot nickname becuse i have long real name & Aisy/Rin is part of my full real name-

can i request character links?

Nope, unless you a friend

can our characters be friends/enemies/etc?

Hmmm sure? If we is friend sir

can i ship my characters with yours?

Yeah sure! But if you are friend :D;;;

can we play a game together?

I'm not active playing multi player game! But you can join my pokemon recafemix team if you want-

May i ask for your discord?

The promble... I don't have discord *fly away* wow! It make you shock?!?! :0

can i call you on discord?

I don't have discord dear... *Crying*

can i see a picture of you/will you do a face reveal?

Never ^^ you want??? You scary me...

can i co-own a character with you

Never. I still don't known wth is co-own character like it look hard for me

are you okay with offers on your characters?

Yes if they in EO & my Ufo/Adopt, if you try offer my oc's in other folder + they has beloved tag... I will break your neck ♥

do you do pings?

Yep! But i can forgot to ping so sorry-

may i put your characters in dreamie folders?

Sure but good luck to waiting them to go offer ♥

can i offer on the same character multiple times?

Hmmm you can & read my t.o.s for more about it-

can i DM you?

Only for payment sure or you have really need talk to me or we are friend

i have panic attack & tense if i got DM from person who not my friend & person who do adopt payment

can you authorize me?

My TH page all is puplic visible

how often do you post adopts?

Only if mood but i post adopt lot

when do you open commissions?

them is here but if mood :] 


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