"What's Next?" (08/28/22)

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by TechyCatArtist

....Welp. Summer vacation's basically over; tomorrow I start Graduate School. Over the summer, I've met all the goals I laid out in the last bulletin, which is great! But starting Graduate School means that, obviously, I won't have as much time as I did over the past three months to focus on any creative projects. So what can you expect from me (outside of my coaster photography and reviews, as I have more than enough content in that area thanks to the trips I was able to take)? 

In Terms of My Art: Given that I had ample time to create art, I was able to post some peices alongside my photography content. Firstly, the final two Coastermaynia 2022 prompts I mentioned in the last bulletin (El Toro & the "Your Choice" prompt) were posted (and the "Your Choice" ended up being a drawing of Kingdom Coaster). Secondly, I produced a character bio for Medusa "2.0", a redesign of Bizarro, an introductory peice for Medusa, and a cute piece of three of my personifications as those character ice cream pops. This week, I'll be posting two special pieces of art featuring my SFGAd personifications (read the "my stories" section to find out why that is). Additionally, I have a piece featuring that acts as an addendum to Sky Princess' character bio. As for any future pieces, I have ideas for some new character designs (you might say that they're a look at a familiar character, but from a universe that's alternate to "canon"...), and hopefully I can do something for Halloween. Outside of that, I'll just have to wait for inspiration to strike (will continue my desire to draw underutilized characters, though)!

In Terms of My Stories: I continued to incrementally post the finalized chapter summaries for "Tricks and Turns" over the summer. While the formatting for posting each chapter summary changed past Chapter 27 (as the way I had written them out had changed), every other week would bring a new "cluster" of 5 finalized chapter summaries. But as hinted in the latest update (August 19; Chp. 46-50), the next T&T update (to be posted this Friday(!)) will be the last. Those two "special" art pieces are directly connected to things that happened in T&T, so they'll be released alongside the final update. For those who actually gave my story a read, thank you so much! Though T&T is never going to be realized in its ideal form, I'm glad to have shared this story with the public. Additionally, I rewrote the character descriptions for the Dutch Wonderland trio and adjusted some other character descriptions (mostly the Knoebels coasters). Outside of the final T&T update, I have no plans for any creative writing pieces. 

That's all for now; the next bulletin will be put out at the end of my Fall 2022 semester.



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