PS4!!! /notimp

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by EeveePotter

I got gifted a PS4! Got Minecraft on and I'm just... vibbin. How is your week going?


That's so cool! I also have minecraft on ps4 if you ever need help with anything lols

I'm doing swag!! Finally drew some art I'm proud of, finally got back into breeding mweors! Also, outside there's this white rabbit that was dumped, and it's clearly been a pet. Me and my mom have been trying to catch it... We have a few traps out and my friend will take it in

Thank you, I'll keep that in mind :D

That's awesome your doing good! Your art is amazing and I'm glad you created something amazing! Good luck with the breeding and catching the rabbit, hope its doing okay :3

That's awesome omg! I hope you have fun with it! 

My week has been pretty good despite the massive amount of homework I have to do for one of my classes. I'm actually procrastinating with my homework right now lol. 

Thank you!

If I can offer a bit of advice on that, make a list of all the things you need to do and add a super easy bit to it, complete the easy part and then your brain will want to finish the rest! Hopefully that helps you not end up like I did a while back when I procrastinated so hard I ended up mentally brain dead after finishing 27 assignments in 34 hours

Thank you! I'm definitely dividing it into different little tasks to make it easier. Also taking short breaks between each assignment and rewarding myself with either character development, writing, or just other little things that aren't the work lol. It's a lot of notes as of rn. 

And damn, that's impressive to do! It's good you got it done at least, even if it was mentally very taxing. 

Oh! That's a very good thing to do, I'm applaud you if you can do it, I personally can't but Respect++++++++ if you can!

(hehe never again)

Thank you! It's not really working too well but I'm trying my best lol 

Good Luck and don't forget to try and have fun!