Haa haaa!

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by BrittDub

I bet you folks  never know what your in for when you open up my bulletins >♡

I keep making skeletons for adopts and keep them instead 


Such adorable beans... MY BEANS!

I would ask for art trades.. cause i want art.. plus i wanna draw for others.

I am mostly wanting to draw skeletons atm but am willing to draw anything really.... (i suck at robots/reptiles/humans)

I am offering busts like these (its looks kinda cool.. am using a filter tool to make it look like that)



^may also want art of this angry bean. Pls let me know if you wanna i can give you the flat color ver to use to color pick....


Nobody had really said anything should i change up my style and do a super art trade w. Myself

No.... leaf me alone

Why am i talking to myself

Because you can.. and nobody else will...

Aw, your lil angry kid looks fun to draw. :]

Would you be up for a trade with me? 

Yeeeeeees angry bean! 

I would lobe to do an art trade with ya!

Heres the flat colored angry bean, for reference...


I am still not sure if i wanna do that as a cape? Or as 2 long scraggly ties? Cape probably makes more sense eh?

I mean it's whatever you want man, just say the word and will do so. :)

Yeeeee who does you want me to draw for you 

Would you like to draw him?

Yeeeee i drew a fullbody of him sincr he is so simple jope you like it


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