Image & Character Spam

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by DestinCooke

Hey guys! So I don't think very many of you actually pay attention to my bulletins, but I’m going to use them anyways instead of messaging each follower individually.

I’ve been spamming my image and character uploads (unintentionally) recently and I will NOT blame you if you disable those notifications! It is this way because I am uploading a sheet for color palettes and free bases that I’ve collected for the public to use. No, I do not have the creation credits, BUT each and every free base and palette I have made SURE are okay to share/reupload and spread! (Additionally to this, if you notice I HAVE missed one that wasn’t suppose to be re-posted, or is now pay to use, please let me know and I will double check and take it down!! I’m not trying to steal artist’s works here, I simply want to help spread them for people like me who really aren’t fond of scrunching DeviantArt.)

I end up majorly spamming my follower’s notifications because I like to upload as many as I can tolerate in one sitting. This actually is an extreme time-sucker and so uploading 30 or 40 things in one sitting, while I have the headspace and everything pulled up and in a roll is much easier than 5 things every here and there. I am working on toning it back a bit, maybe to 20 uploads/day, at the most, but I hope to have the bulk of my uploads completed in a few weeks. Ideally, before school starts so that I can move on to only uploading NEW things, whenever I find them. (Instead of having 200 items backlogged to get uploaded.)


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