Edit: All taken, thank you so much!!  I'll be doing my best to have a something (or two) in the later half of the month for spooky season.  I'll be sure to do previews with those, so keep an eye out!
I may or may not drop another surprise mini adopt/small batch during the first half of the month, as well, but it depends on how the rest of my work goes.  Not making any hard promises on this one.


Happy spoopy month!   

Firstly, just a wee to-do list update: I've got two pieces just about at the finish line, three still in the WIP/ironing out phase, and two more ready for clean-up.  I'm focusing the two I'm nearly done with first, then I'll get the remaining WIPs sorted, and after I'll start going down the clean-up list.  It's a bit slow going, but I'm still aiming to finish everyone's stuff up by the end of October.   

In the meantime, here's some smol doodley adopts!


image if link won't load: https://i.gyazo.com/b3c3117bd1e88e293062d3b665308bc7.png

As always, these follow my standard adopt TOS.  
Melwyrm Info (ignore the out-of-date visuals, but text info is all accurate!).  Feathirfolk info.
Paypal only.
For the melwyrms, at least $250 needs to be paid up front this time, however I can be be flexible with the remainder as long as it's completed within the month.
All of these come as-is!

1. Blakrye - $110
traits: pygmy
claimed by: Hackwolfin

2. Blakrye - $110
traits: tinted
claimed by: Shinxi

3. Sphaerra - $110
traits: third eye + eyes on sphere
claimed by: buppaya

4. Melwyrm - $350
claimed by: soumrak

5. Melwyrm - $350
claimed by: buppaya

6. Feathirfolk - $130
I couldn't decide which skin tone I liked best so I just decided to throw in both versions!
claimed by: Elissinia


1 please

Sure thing!  I'll put you down and PM you in just a moment, thank you so much! :D

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Oh, of course!  Thank you so much, I'll put them down as yours and PM you in just a moment!

Can i get 3 and 5 please

Oh wow, sure thing!  Thank you! I'll mark you down and send you a PM with payment info in just a moment.   

I would like to claim no.4 .

They are so adorable and beautiful;v;

Ooohh you got it!  I'll mark you down for them and PM you in just a moment!   

Thank you so much!

I am so happy about it!

Gosh what a bad time for me to not have the funds aaaaa I adore the green wyrm so much!! 

Oh no!  Bad timing really seems to be going around this time jf;asf ;w;
But gosh thank you so much regardless!! 

If I am able to and theyre still available later I'll def be back /clenches fist
that being said, I really adore everyone in this batch!! Just so weak for green aAA ! 

I'm so tempted to get No. 4 omg //crii

It calls to you~~   
But for real, thank you for the interest in them either way!     


That green … the colors are so good!!!

Ah man, thank you!! ToT   

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Oh no!  What awful timing - and I've got bills this week so I unfortunately can't accept holds this time around either. ;w;
Fwiw, I'm hoping to sneak in another adopt batch in the later half of the month, and I plan to post a preview for that one, so maybe you'll be able to snag one then!
Regardless, thank you so much for the interest!! ;O;   

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got you marked down, friendo!!  thank you!! TToTT