Hi, as per tradition I am doing FREEEEEE art and designs for the week surrounding my born day (oct. 12 yaaay). Starting it on Friday so I have time to do it! 

Rules / information:

This is NOT first come first serve. However, I will TRY to do everyone.

You can request both art and a custom, however I may do ONE, so make sure it's what ya want. 

Essentially, I'll probably only do one request per person, so please comment once.

Due to these being free, I cannot guarantee a steady quality! It may be sketchy, it may be messily lined, it may be the most perfect polished masterpiece ever. It's like a quality roulette...!

I'll post these using the +Submit button on Toyhouse for both images and designs (designs will be transferred to their owner), so you won't get a link to them this time but the full image instead.

For customs, please specify species, (for dogs, if you want a Wig/hair on the head), etc. I will NOT do designs based on preexisting fictional characters. basically i can do kinsonas if you're not asking for one of a fictotype xP 

I think that's it! You can comment here for what you want and I'll try to get it it :D 

also my favorite band released their newest album 


Happy late birthday!! :D 

if you’d like to maybe sawyer? But feel free to do anyone if you’d like!  Tysm For the chance!! I hope you have a wonder day! :D

Since it's almost Halloween I feel like my lad Pin is in theme!! 

Thank you so much for doing this!

Also happy late birthday!! :D

I would love a custom based on lovecore, royalcore/princecore, angelcore or inspired by rain (dogs w hair! ^^)! Feel free to do any of the ideas if they give you inspo, I also love vaguely shaped black cats :D

If you do art I'd love some art of this guy! Anthro if possible!

If you do a custom could I get an arcade inspired haired canine/gator mix?

Ill do you a little something in return! can't promise how good or finished but I will do SoMeThInG

Hi ya! I really like your art and if you want maybe I can draw something in return for your bday? (Happy early bday! )

OMG my birthday is the 10th! Maybe we can turn this into a birthday art trade or something >:)

I'd love a vintage Halloween inspired velociraptor, go wild otherwise!

happy early birthday dude!! this is so awesome for you to be doing!! <3

i love halloween based dogs (w/ hair) if that's something you'd be interested in making!!
i love the colors and vibes of halloween like oranges, purples, blacks, etc. so anything like that would be so so appreciated!

edit: i also really like this moodboard!! link here so feel free to do something goofy with it too :)

if you'd rather draw a character then i have tons here! folder 1 and here folder 2 as well :3c

thank you again you're so awesome!!! >:D

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happy early birthday :D

i'd love a pic of any one of my sonas/semi sonas if you feel like it <3



Happy Early Birthday! ^^

Mine is the 8th lol

It'd be awesome to have a custom by you. You art is so good!!

Could you make him a white and black dog. Ears are brown and hair is soft navy blue.?

HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!! funnily enough my birthday is october 13th 😭?? hope you have a good one!

i seriously love the last design you made for me, so a haired canine would be cool! maybe like a reanimated-sorta zombie type dude! i like your previous designs that have extra limbs, so having an extra head/arms/etc. may be cool!

if that doesnt sound like something youd wanna make, art of this guy would be cool too! thank you and i hope your birthday goes well!

HAIIII Helloo!! 

I would love a custom if that’d be okay 👁👁

Could it be a dog with hair?!! And could it have BIG pointy ears? And like based off of like webcore! And have the windows logo as the theme? And like big pointy goofy sunglasses and a computer screen somewhere on the body :0 

If you would rather do art tho could you maybe draw my little stinky? ;0 https://toyhou.se/211283.cottontail 
And happy almost-bday! i hope you do somethin awesome and have a super amazing day!!! 


saw your ad in imaginary minds so I just needed to hop in the train as well

Choose anyone BESIDES TOKYO to draw!! If no one inspires you then ig you could draw her or just entirely, skip me

Schools boring and I need to chill for two days

Tysm for the awesome chance and happy early birthday 💖

IM CURIOUS if you would redesign https://toyhou.se/14210051.dialtone this adopt i got from you to be a human? i rly love your humany art

https://sta.sh/0vimk7e5jq5 Here you go ! (i said i wouldn't do links but since he's a redesign i thought it'd be less complicated to give the file instead ^w^)


Youre welcome to draw anyonr from my th that you would have fun with:)