I got a few folks but 

If you saw this and are interested i do have  a a few ocs in my wip folder that i want redesigned as well. Some just need colors, others i planned tp fiddle woth and never did....


Ignore this below

Or whatever you wanna call it

I want charcoal redesigned https://toyhou.se/2582074.charcoal/gallery

I could do

Redesign for you

Or a custom

Whatever floats your boat

I can probably offer my little pixels.. i love making them.


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You still interested in a baby yoda design? 

I would love to make one for you for a redesing of them

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I mean sure thing my brain always draws a blank when i think about it. Fire was in my head too but i did not know how to run that idea

For your design what would you want?

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I will try my best oWo.

Might not get to it today its thanksgiving so we having Turkey and the whole gamit for supper >♡</ 

Ok i did end up doing  a sketch tell me if you like if (if not i can retry)


4 Replies

What kind of redesign would you be looking for? >>

Just something simple.

Maybe slight clothing change, added color (same colors just maybe an extra)

Not sure... i am actually really bad at them XD


Someone else did throw offer to do it for me but i have more ocs that need slight edits

Ah man I knew I'd likely be too late, I have to watch an old lady with dementia so that takes up 90% of my day ;;

if you don't mind me taking a while I would still like to see which ones you'd like some changes to?

Aww man i know how hard that can be..  you must have the patients of a saint... i cannot deal with my dementia grandma for the half hour we visit her... i just cannot.. (i mean i am bad enough at socializin the repeating gets to me)

Ya i dont mind it taking a while they all be sitting around for so long a bit longer dont matter.

But here are the ones that need redesign

 Bon-Bon - bit of an 

 Wesker <- think i just need to fiddle a bit.

- not sure i think i just want a few different colors

I got a few animals too you could just take a peek at my wip folder

I myself have nothing but thyme on my hands so what would you like in return? 

I'm the only one who takes care of her, her daughters refuse to care or just tell her to move out and go somewhere smaller where I can't follow even though they still refuse to help her at that point??? I can handle her repetition to some degree because it helps with my own memory problems cause from several concussions but some days I need a break and its those days I'm attacked for even wanting to leave the house, if not by dawn herself then by her daughters. 

I could probably do something with Bon-bon but I can't see Nico, but I was also looking at https://toyhou.se/5649503.jim because I can think of some small changes and maybe an outfit or two for em--

Man.. thats horrible... my granny lives in a special care style home with 24 hour care... its expensive but she needs it.. she took a very sharp decline in 2020 when she was prisoner in her apartment... i would call her antisocial... she would probably do well 1 to 1 care... but nobody wants to in our family as well.. our house is a death trap for an elderly person so we cannot.. Sigh... its kinda sad the way we in western world treat our elders...

Ooops that one was the wrong #.. so Nico is not my oc lols... hope it does not ping them... I believe it was supposed to be Jim i wanted a slight clothing change. That sounds pretty much like all i want

6 Replies