I can't- /notimp

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by EeveePotter

It always bugs me when I offer on a character I absolutely love, ready to sell my soul to the devil to get them, and the person doesn't even recognize that I exist. They ghost me. I'm seriously cool if someone says 'Didn't see anyone' or 'Sorry not interested' or even 'Hell no, your charas are ugly and your art is terrible' but I seriously can't handle getting ghosted, like,,,, please, at least say something (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Wow! That’s terrible! I’m so sorry that happened to you! Is there something I can do to make it up to you?

Thank you, but It wouldn't feel right, Thank you so much!

It’s ok I just wanted to see if I could help out in any way 

Thank you for thinking of me! I really appreciate it!

No problem :)