---Serious, please read---

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Jamsbunnies

You know me, I hate drama, I hate it so, so much. Like honest to god it's the least of my worries rn, but I am not doing well and I don't want this to happen again.

I really don't wanna post this, I feel forced to by the situation.

Do not harass this user pl ease it does nothing. If you need to talk to someone abt this DM me do not harass rainbott PLEASE

First things first, user Rainbott has been dming people in this community to make "inspired" ocs based off Audience.

They asked for OCs based off Day/First, I agreed with the terms they would be in nothing audience related, come to find them making ocs based off every single audience related character and planning to use them in a pilot inspired by Audience.

They dmed me in 2021 asking to make pony guard ocs loosely based off Day + First.  I made it very clear I did not want them to use them in anything audience related.


I find out, they recently redesigned them as dogs and have a whole cast of ocs that were intentionally made to look like the audience cast. I don't have... a ton of screenshots, most of our talk abt Audience was via voice call.

They would talk abt "inspired ocs" and I would try to like. Tell them to not make them too close?? But I didn't do enough.


I feel really bad abt how I acted in most ways, I always just wanted to be their friend and I never wanted this to happen. It was also at a time where I was extremely weary of some users bc like. I had heard recent rumors and whatnot, I'm deeply sorry abt it and idk how else to apologize but here.

I have a very spotty memory due to things, Idk but I remember via vc them saying:

- Several of their ocs was intentionally inspired by audience ocs, they'd adopt ocs premade so they couldn't be accused and then make them based off audience related things

- They'd talk abt how other people didn't use their characters enough and they'd use them better

- They would get redesigns of OCs and OCs made by people who had the cast so they couldn't be accused of copying later. Not to mention they synopsis they gave me for their pilot was nothing like what the two inspired OCs were used in/for at all.

I have no proof for these three above claims, so you'd have to just take my word which I completely understand if you can't or don't want to. It is just my recollection of what they used to say on VC

I told them from the jump I didn't want these inspired ocs to be use in an audience rip off pilot.

I told them recently that's not what I wanted either.

They are not complying, still plan to use the characters in this pilot, and blocked me.

Day and First literally mean the world to me, I consented to a specific set of designs and they did not talk to me before changing them nor did I consent to them being used in the project at all.

Recently they went out of their way to make a Mazie Marks based OC intentionally asking the owner of one split and not my friend beautifilled because they knew she'd say no, and that's what really like. Made me upset.


they also have been asking almost any users w lups


I'm not getting into the personal drama between Rainbott and I nor am I gonna talk abt how toxic everything else was, I just need to post this.

When the pilot comes out, please know Day/First are not related to it, I consented to none of this and in fact I was opposed to their inspired counterpart's usage, and I advise nobody else like. Interact with them.

I tried my hardest, I really did, I wanted to be friends. But this isn't okay.

IDK if a full, actual callout is being made, I don't want this to escalate. I needed to post this though to say I don't want this happening + as a general warning.

If a full callout is made I won't be behind it, I'm tired man. 


Update: Was told to add for those unaware.

These are Day/First (in their style even)


These are the designs I consented to


These are the redesigns they made without my consent/knowledge (were edited once to add the horns/paws, before they looked even more similar.)


Edit 2: friend has informed me they were taken out of the pilot (?) the day and first inspired ocs and will be reverting them back to the designs I approved of, so this whole thing is over for me. I literally just want my two favorite guys nowhere near this person ever again. I have no ill will towards them but don't want to be associated with them.

That's all I wanted, I'll leave this up and the rest I'm leaving up to everyone else. I feel like doo-doo that I even had to make this to get their designs turned back in the first place.

Genuine huge thanks to all the support, it's been overwhelming. Huge weight lifted off my shoulders, I'm not getting involved further.


I'm so sorry you've been under so much stress Jams, and I hate to ask this of you but do you have any more examples of inspired designs? I don't at all mean to dismiss your feelings, I know these characters mean a lot to you but I'm very honestly having trouble with the Day/First/Mazie connections with Rain's characters. To me personally they all look very different, like especially the Mazie one, so I sort of feel as if I'm missing something, y'know?

I do get the feeling that they may have an ulterior motive to "remake" Audience as you said so I'd still be wary, though. What they said about "I've created more in four days than you have in four years" is pretty gross too, I really hate the notion that because you aren't publically airing every little thought and doodle about your character means that you aren't using them or developing them constantly. One can't magically look inside somebody's headworld, their OCs could be living rent-free in there and they're under no obligation to air it all publically! Just so many assumptions :<

Forgive me if this is totally rude, you have all the right in the world to feel uncomfortable with somebody else's behavior and once again the last thing I want is to dismiss that. The subject of the line between inspiration and plagiarism is an important one to me that I like to talk about but I would not at all fault you for not wanting to hyper-analyze and debate things, you're probably exhausted enough right now. Wishing you nothing but the best!

At first glance I guess it isnt too similar. However it can be at a closer look. The contrast between the tans/browns and color in the hair and eyes. The hair on the darker one is the exact same as day just with a different gradient, the outfits were inspired off of the knight dog concepts which obviously jam doesnt own but all this would barely matter if jam and all of us didnt KNOW that Rains intentions were to have heavy inspirations/copies/pieces of day and first. The intent to take small inspiration when making the ponies then secretly making them into canines and more similar to day and first proves their true intentions is to have them as close to day and first as possible Plus yeah the mazie ome is not that similar to even yhe split design wise but their intention to copy mazie just bc they want the clout bc she was in one of lupis’ shows by going behind my back is wrong No ones mad but i just wanted to explain it;0; they stated specifically in one of the screenshots “i want to collect as many audience-likr characters as possible” which also backs fhis up I hope this kinda explains it more and ty for listening!

hey, i dont really have the energy to argue abt it anymore so my friend's gonna respond w comparisons, but the reason i held off on comparing ocs other than day/first and Mazie is i didn't want to get anyone else involved-- 

I think the thing that really bothered me was less how close they looked and moreso the intent behind it, getting these ocs to make a world like audience-- as far as I know the story and roles of the characters are just like that old story, something I asked they didn't do. They gathered the inspired characters with inspired roles to do this, making them just not exact enough or asking the OG owners under the guise of something else.

I'm not gonna get much into how they belittled me and how toxic the relationship was but it's hard to ignore it bc admittedly-- it is a reason im making this

Not to mention. Mazie copy was called "Maxie Spots". Mazie's name is Mazie Marks. oomf.

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I saw, I still don't agree w what they're doing and I don't wanna get super involved further but I still don't approve of what I've seen of the project. I know at least now they'll probably heavily change it to not be... audience, which hopefully. Good.

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It's the fact that they have been asking a ton of people for ocs based off their characters, likely without being upfront w their intentions, yeah when i put the pieces together i-- i didnt like it.

I wanna make this clear and am just gonna use this comment to state this, absolutely nothing wrong with being inspired by Audience, but when you get everyone to make you OCs based off your own without really telling them your intention its. really fucked

I was and still am heavily inspired by works like Audience and MLP and try not to hide it but I'd never make something with the exact cast which i don't own like-- like idk. It doesn't make sense to me.

Being Inspired by audience =/= what rainbott was doing

nobody is a bad person for being inspired by Audience or being hyperfixated on Audience and I will hold by that but when multiple people including myself no longer want their name tied to it it....... yeah you can't do that

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OH NO WORRIES I wasn't accusing you. I just wanted to clear up some things and wording, I have trouble wording myself ^^;; Also I just saw the response and I'm happy with it for now ig, time'll tell what happens. 

I genuinely hope Rainbott has success and I don't wanna take them down, I used to be their friend and they r genuinely so creative and talented and idk why they waste their time ripping off other people's ocs when they've found success in their own work.

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OH ILL BE HONEST I SORT OF. forgot abt that?? Not a big deal at all!! My story was vaguely inspired too but I think there's a point where like. Maybe we should just leave this all behind X,D best of luck with your story!!! I'm sure as long as you don't purposefully copy anything it's perfectly original and will be amazing ^^

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going to comment in here too even if you still dont know me well (you dont need to just acknowledging it)yea im really sorry this even has to happen to you and your other friend. just glad you got it out to us to warn about them. i love when people say they wont do it again just to leave it in the blue and continue to do so. i just hope everything gets better from here but this hurts man, truly does. if youd like to tell us more or wanna message me privately please do so about this im again sorry that it happened.

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i seen a few users mention an old callout or vaguely remembering their name, and at least one of the callouts was from me.

i was basically made to take the blame for the old callout on this person, as in i wrote most of the callout ON them when it was a situation that didn't happen to me at all. my friend at the time who shall not be named, didn't want it on their page bc "i had a bigger following" so to them it was better i posted instead. later i figured out, oh so it was so i took the fall for it and not them.

it was on my old dA acc until someone flipped out and threatened to make a yt video abt it bc they didn't get full context for what was happening. w rainbott guilt tripping and manipulating to an insane degree. it covered rainbott having No boundaries or respect w offering on ppl's loopiss designs, outright copying and tracing, etc but it was mostly over a specific old duskky they were going batshit over. someone bid more for this duskky both of them wanted, and rainbott wanted them SOOOO badly they made an "emergency donation" post. for a dog OC. "emergency" ffs. the duskky in question btw was up for sale to the quickest, highest buyer bc they were literally abt to be or WERE homeless at the time of the sale, needed rlly important medicine for their partner, etc

they have not gotten better in the slightest since a few years back. it's sad. just this alone, trying to guilt you over your own OCs n going against your wishes, saying they'd "use them better," shows they've learned NOTHING.

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can't wait for them to come out with a new character named schaffner fritz 🤩

but for real, this is so upsetting. and especially concerning considering it's repeated behavior. And the disrespect is baffling, you don't deserve such shitty treatment :/

could you add more side by sides? i kniow other people have been asked, but i cant find any in their gallery, probably cause im blind

Man its super crappy to just make ripoff characters of somethin and go fully against the characters owners wishes

i feel awful for everyone this happened to euugh

Wow this sucks!! I honestly hope a full callout gets made because this is UNACCEPTABLE behavior. Unacceptable doesn't even begin to describe it tbh holy shit- I've been kinda a background lurker with these posts but what is with these people and their obsession with lup designs they don't own, it's unhealthy. 

I can't imagine how painful this has been for you with how much these two mean to you, you have to be a particular kind of awful to take someone's favorite beloved, LITERAL COMFORT CHARACTERS and rip them off. I doubt it'll happen but I hope they read these comments somehow and it gives them a wakeup call. I'm so sorry this happened Jams ;o; You don't deserve any of this. Have you considered putting Day on authorized at all?

ive already mentioned this to you in a server, but for the record in 2019ish? they did have that callout where one of their adopts was nearly colorpicked from comet (discord now?) with the same colors and star accessories, after they had dm'd me asking to purchase comet (who i got for $300) for $20~ and "loads of art and customs" (and i of course refused because. come on.) + similarly tried to lowball with two other lv designs with worths over $100 (the one black and white breedable design and the one changeling custom i got? now lost to time, idr the worths)

They had a tendency of lowballing but tbh i excused it for the most part bc back then they were new to the community and i would do the same, its hard for some people to comprehend these ocs worths. But what i cant excuse is the blatant ripping off and manipulating people intl getting ocs with promises that it has nothing to do with audience when it had everything to do with it, and continuing to try and weasel ocs out of people using empty promises. They literally bragged to me after they got previous from me how much of a good home she'll be in, previously telling me how people on TH dont use their ocs enough and a bunch of stuff on call. I wish i had screens. But i dont

Oh this person. I remember when they DM'd me asking for the pony version of Cherry Bomb. I'm sorry this happened to you with Day and First you didn't deserve it.

(not to like reply to a comment that doesn’t regard me but) them attempting to make an inspired design based on the pony version of boom makes me entirely concerned, especially considering they made a inspired design based on mazie’s split. i have a feeling they were trying to get around making a boom core inspired oc by asking you, the split owner. o_o not to draw conclusions, but i feel like this is what they were trying to do.

It does effect you though to an extent so you're absolutely welcome to reply! They didn't even ask about making an inspired design based on Cherry, they just asked to trade for Cherry bombs pony version back in 2020. https://sta.sh/029umk47b1m3

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They were my friend, at least i considered them to be for a long time 💀 i am an idiot i guess.

I trusted them too much, i regret a lot

I'm so relieved this is finally come out because I was so worried about what might happen... I really wish you the best and that you can still enjoy your rightful characters despite what the user is doing :( You and all the other people affected genuinely deserve to be happy with your OCs!!

And thank you for posting the bulletin, because this is definitely super important... It's clearly not a coincidence nor a one time thing so I'm glad people can be wary of such blatant disrespect towards people's characters :(

I know I’m just a random user who follows you but I’m really sorry this happened to you, you absolutely did not deserve it at all :(

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To my understanding, just the ones featured in projects. But i'd advise to not let anyone make inspired ocs based off any lupis

I'm so tired, im so depressed, I don't want this man. Stay safe

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You did thr right think by just sharing this. No malicious intent, just wanting to warn others

Ive had my fair share of experiences with rainbott

When i was trading an oc, they kept pushing to offer and basically offered ne free labor from their subscribers by offering a custom and hosting a drawing contest to grow their art count for an expensive oc. When i declined, they gave me a sob story 

Obviously also when they went behind my back to ask mazie marks’ splits owner to get an inspired copy named ‘maxie spots’ without my knowledge. the owner of her split since deleted it and refunded them so they are great, rainbot also didnt put up a front fir this thank god

i'm a big believer in the fact people can grow and change. from 2020/2021 it seems they have not since then and have even gotten worse. but i hope they can learn and improve themselves. please dont flame or cancel them, just leave them be and hope they can grow into a better person and learn their lesson

Very proud of u jam since they literally were so cruel to u,, ily jam 

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I believe they had a callout previously, but idk where that is and I think it was deleted, I think this is not their first time doing this unfortunately ;;

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