lf a good simple character code

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by entangled-life

looking for a replacement to my usual character code! please link fitting codes below if you know any ^^

im looking for something similar to the one used here: https://toyhou.se/16793586.alex, basically just a simple layout with some spots for images. must be mobile-friendly

thanks for the help!


the top half of this one seems similar? this one’s less open but it does have a straightforward img + text box setup. possibly this one too if it’s easy to edit out unneeded tabs? it seems to work fine on a smaller screen for me, but it doesn’t explicitly say mobile-friendly, so i’m not 100%

thank you! i ended up finding one but ill stash these for future use, i appreciate it :]

rad! i’m glad you found one, i know finding codes can be a process sometimes :] happy to help!