
Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Here you can evolve your eevees!

Once your eevee hits level 30, you can start evolving it into various evolved forms!

Evolution costs a few bells, but dont worry its very cheap!

List of Evolutions

Vaporeon - Water Stone [150 Bells]

Jolteon - Thunder Stone [150 Bells]

Flareon - Fire Stone [150 Bells]

Umbreon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee at night) [200 Bells]

Espeon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee during the day) [200 Bells]

Glaceon - Ice Stone [150 Bells]

Leafeon - Leaf Stone [150 Bells]

Sylveon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee using a fairy type move) [200 Bells]


Eevee Evolving:

Chosen Evolution:

Required image: [Only for Umreon, Espeon and Sylveon!]

Bell Total:


Eevee Evolving: Phantom

Chosen Evolution: Sylveon

Required image: https://toyhou.se/18548103.phantom#56504176

Bell Total: 200

(insert NPC Image here)

"Oh? It seems phantom is evolving... into sylveon!"

Congrats! you may now design phantoms new form!