Pokemon World ARPG's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Here in the nursery you can breed two or more of your pokemon together!

How you do that is up to you, but below I have created a simple system that you are more than welcome to use :)

1. choose two or more pokemon

2. draw them interacting with each other

3. Head over to this: https://perchance.org/lessrandombreeder

4. fill out the info on the generator

5. Roll!

This is what it should look like for 2 parents! (instead of "types" type the trait your parents have!)

Sometimes you might have to press the breed button multiple times to generate a batch of eggs!


Generator was created by EchoingSky on Discord! Huge thanks to them!

Beta Sign Up

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Do you want to sign up for the beta? Great! just let me know below and I will add you asap!

9/15 Slots Filled


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Here you can spend your hard earned bells on boosts and trait items!

Trait Items

Chocolate Cookie - gives the dark trait - 600 Bells

Vanilla Cookie - gives the light trait - 600 Bells

Prism stone - gives the delta trait - 100 Bells

Devil Costume - gives the demonic trait - 150 Bells

Angel Costume - gives angelic trait - 150 Bells

Shiny Charm - gives shiny trait - 100 Bells

Ink Bottle - gives patches trait - 50 Bells

Chalk Box - gives piebald trait - 50 Bells

Rainbow Bucket - gives colored trait - 100 Bells

DNA Splicers - gives hybrid trait (you get to choose the pokemon*) - 200 Bells

Pattern Book - gives patterned trait - 150 Bells

Radioactive Goop - gives mutated trait - 160 Bells

Alpha Mark - gives alpha trait - 50 Bells

Hourglass - gives paradox trait - 100 Bells

Dark Feathers - gives fallen angel trait - 70 Bells

Magical Cupcake - gives food trait - 50 Bells

Swirling Galaxy - gives galaxy trait - 80 Bells

UFO cookie - gives alien trait - 60 Bells

Rotten Edible - gives zombie trait -50 Bells

Fullmoon Elixir - gives werewolf trait - 100 Bells

*Pokemon may not be legendary/mythical!


Multicatch - allows you to catch 2 pokemon with one pokeball! - 3.000 Bells

Multicatch Upgrade - allows you to catch 3 pokemon with one pokeball (you need multicatch first to buy this!) - 6.000 Bells

Rare Candy - boosts your eevees level by 1 - 1.000 Bells

Special Stuff

Fusion Elixer - can be used to create a fusion pokemon, both pokemon must be in your inventory!- 1.000 Bells



Item(s) Buying:

Bell Total:

Item Use Form:

Using Item:

Which Eevee?


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Here you can evolve your eevees!

Once your eevee hits level 30, you can start evolving it into various evolved forms!

Evolution costs a few bells, but dont worry its very cheap!

List of Evolutions

Vaporeon - Water Stone [150 Bells]

Jolteon - Thunder Stone [150 Bells]

Flareon - Fire Stone [150 Bells]

Umbreon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee at night) [200 Bells]

Espeon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee during the day) [200 Bells]

Glaceon - Ice Stone [150 Bells]

Leafeon - Leaf Stone [150 Bells]

Sylveon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee using a fairy type move) [200 Bells]


Eevee Evolving:

Chosen Evolution:

Required image: [Only for Umreon, Espeon and Sylveon!]

Bell Total:

Wishing Well

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Welcome to the wishing well!

here you can wish for traits that are not on the trait list to create mutated Eevees , and maybe some other things in the future!

Its really simple, all you need is 1.000 Bells or 2.000 Bells and either a vague or a specific theme!

Example of a vague wish: I wish for an item that sparkles like a shiny rock!

If you wish for something vague like this, the result can be very surprising and might often not be what you expect! this type of wish costs 1.000 Bells!

Example of a specific wish: I wish for an item that can give a Dragon form to my eevee!

If you wish for something specific like this, you will of course get what you wish for! however a specifiv wish costs 2.000 Bells instead of 1.000!

You may wish for as many items as you want! but you have a 1 day cooldown after each comment!

(Small disclaimer: please do not wish for fandom specific wishes! thank you for understanding!)



Wish Type:

Total Bells:


Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Similarly to catching, you can get new eevees here! but only water type fusions and water/ice type deltas!

Diveball - 400 Bells


[Possible Traits: Hybrids of water type pokemon, Delta type(Water,Ice)]



Diveballs buying:

Bell Total:


Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Here you can expand your collection of eevees!


Pokeball - 400 Bells


[Possible Traits: Basic, Colored, Patches, Piebald]

Greatball - 600 Bells


[Possible Traits: Colored, Patterned, Patches, Shiny]

Ultraball - 750 Bells


[Possible Traits: Delta, Angelic, Demonic, Hybrid]


Premierball - 900 Bells


[Possible Traits: Light, Dark, Angelic, Demonic]

Masterball - 2500 Bells


This Pokeball always gives Legendary/Mythical Fusions! (Limited to one per month!)

Catching Form


Pokeball Using:

How Many?:

Total Bells:

Evolution Dex

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Here you find all possible evolutions and items needed for them!

(Images will be added later down the road!)


Vaporeon - Water Stone

Jolteon - Thunder Stone

Flareon - Fire Stone

Umbreon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee at night)

Espeon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee during the day)

Glaceon - Ice Stone

Leafeon - Leaf Stone

Sylveon - Soothe Bell (Draw your eevee using a fairy type move)



Levels and Currency

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4

Art earns you a certain amount of levels and currency! learn about how much you get for each piece here!



Sketch: +1 Level

Lined: +3 Levels

Lineless: +5

Art Type

Headshot/Bust: +2 Levels

Halfbody: +3 Levels

Fullbody: +5 Levels


Flat Colors: +2 Levels

No Colors: +0 Levels


Simple Background: +4 Levels

Complex Background: +6 Levels

Shading/Highlights: +3 Levels

Props: +2 Levels


Bells are the currency in this world, and are used to buy items in the shop, catch eevees, make wishes and much more! and you also earn some when drawing your vees!


Sketch: +100 Bells

Lined: +200 Bells

Lineless: +300 Bells

Art Type

Headshot/Bust: +150 Bells

Halfbody: +100 Bells

Fullbody: +200 Bells


Flat Colors: +200 Bells

No Colors: +0 Bells


Simple Background: +200 Bells

Complex Background: +300 Bells

Shading/Highlights: +250 Bells

Props: +150 Bells


Link To Art:


Bells Earned:

Levels Gained:


Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by SP4RKL1NG-ANDR0MED4


Your Basic normal Pokemon! can have small markings and slight color variations! (markings have to be similar colors to the base color!)

DARK (Eevee trait only!)


A rare dark variant of eevee, they evolve into special eeveelutions!

LIGHT (Eevee trait only!)


A rare light variant of eevee, they evolve into special eeveelutions!



A rare shiny Pokemon! Must have canon shiny colors!



A Pokemon with dark patches! can cover up to 80% of the body! (can stack with colored and shiny!)



A Pokemon with white patches! can cover up to 80% of the body! (can stack with colored!)



A Pokemon with unnatural coloring! can be any color except pure white or black!



These Pokemon have a different typing than normal! the typing they get decide their appearance! (Dragon type example)



These Pokemon are known troublemakers! they are often red, grey or black in coloring and can have fangs, Bat wings, colored scleras, slit pupils and horns! as well as clawed front feet!



These Pokemon are the complete opposite to demonic eevees! they are often kind and friendly and have white, pastel yellow or orange coloring! they can have a halo and feathered white wings!



Hybrid Pokemon are made up from 2-3 different species! they have mixed traits from all of the mons combined into one! 



Mutated Pokemon can possess traits that no other eevee can! and are very rare! they can only be obtained by creating them in the wishing well! (traits can be almost anything go ham!)



These lil guys come with funky new pattern that can cover up to 90% of the body! (can stack with every other trait!)


[Image Soon]

Alpha pokemon are much larger then your regular pokemon, some may have a red glow around their eyes


[Image Soon]

Paradox pokemon look like they are either from the past or the future! with future paradoxes being more robotic and metallic in nature and past paradoxes having more ancient looking traits! (if your pokemon is an official paradox you may still use this trait to for example making a past paradox into a future paradox and vice versa)


[Image Soon]

Fallen Angel pokemon usually have horns and feathered wings, while having rather monotone and sad looking colors!


[Image Soon]

Food pokemon are based on a certain food or drink!


[Image Soon]

Galaxy pokemon are usually blue and purple colored with star patterns on them! some have spacedust like appendages (tails, ears, ect) or extensions, some may have rings around them!


[Image Soon]

Alien pokemon are usually neon colored! they have antennaes and usually have multiple limbs! some may have a bit of a slimy texture, some may have multiple eyes as well


[Image Soon]

Zombie pokemon are usually greenish in color and have missing limbs and massive scars (be careful with heavy gore if you plan on showing your mon online! but otherwise feel free to make a gruesome looking zombie pokemon!)


[Image Soon]

Werewolf pokemon are usually massive, darker colored pokemon they may start standing on two legs and grow massive sharp teeth! (if you have a pokemon like magnemite for example then you have to get creative with this lol, or just use this on animal based pokemon)