❖ Adopt TOS ❖

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by SirGawain

Not sure how many people check the ownership tab of my designs so I wanted to make a bulletin going over my TOS a bit better !!! A lot of these things are self explanatory but there’s a few things that are more specific. You’re free to ask any questions or clarification about anything on here since I’m not the best at articulating ! 


  • You can repost the artwork anywhere as long as I’m credited
  • You can use the artwork for any personal use, but you cannot use it commercially without consulting me beforehand (I’ll charge a fee for it)
  • You can edit the artwork AS LONG as the artwork is for character reference purposes ! Just please let me know ahead of time !
  • Don’t use my artwork for any NFT / crypto stuff, hateful content or promoting hate


  • You can resale / trade / gift, you just cannot resale for higher value then you purchased UNLESS additional artwork is added. Designs of mine received via trade can only be traded unless additional artwork is added. Designs of mine not received via from me that are gifts can only be traded unless additional artwork is added*
  • Commercial usage of my designs is permitted for individuals/indie creators ! Just let know ahead of time so I’m aware and can maybe support whatever venture it’s in ! 
  • Co-owning my designs is not allowed 
  • Do not turn my designs into a closed species (making them part of a pre-existing closed species is fine, I just do not want a species made after the design is what I mean)
  • Do not remove / change my designer or creator credits !
  • You can edit / make changes to the design. Just don’t whitewash them, remove any LGBT significance (top scars, etc), or any cultural significance of them
  • Do not use my designs to spread bigotry / hate


This only goes for designs received from me and by me !  

  • You cannot resale/trade the design unless additional artwork is added to it*
  • These designs have NO MONETARY WORTH until additional artwork is added
  • My freebies are not first come first serve (fcfs), and are only for people who are currently subscribed to me by the time of posting it up as a freebie !
  • They follow the same rules as above

* Means the rule is negotiable. This is mostly for reselling designs you’ve gotten via trade/gifting, meaning if you come ask me about it I may allow you to sell or trade those designs away (more likely then not, I’m just trying to prevent people from solely trying to profit as that’s became an issue)


If you want to know the context you can DM me but most of these do not need to be made public as to why they’re on my blacklist

  • Yukirwa 
  • Huvnted
  • NWA
  • Maws
  • Viviekito
  • DoesntDraw / Peanutt
  • VHScreams
  • GummiGhost
  • Luciferslamb


Hey I wanted to ask a question or two, when trading your characters ( freebies or otherwise) if their worth increases would you like that in the trade description when transferring? Secondly for the freebies do you like it better when it's just a comment for the freebie or an actual description on how you'd use them? I'd certainly take the time to write something out for sure (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) Ty!

I’m not sure I understand your first question? The second question I just prefer a comment is all

oh I'm sorry idk how to explain it,,,, uhh,,,basically do you want us to write the current worth in when transferring the character to someone else?


you can if you want but it’s not required, its a good idea to just to keep a track record of worths but not required at all :,,,)

It's ok!! Ik you probably have so many notifications to go through daily 😭 But ty!!

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If you mean gifting? Yes, gifting is allowed w/ freebies you don’t have to ask before doing that (just not to anyone on my blacklist ofc), just make sure they’re aware of my T.O.S. Regarding them ! (Though if additional artwork of any kind is added you can ask for money/trades. Though if you want to trade/sell them w/o any additional artwork that has to be discussed first)

You can if you wanna, usually when a design is given back to me for free I’ll try and rehome them, or if it’s a design I may wanna keep I might offer money for them

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