Comments on adopts pose preference? All Comments

#4 is so cute + feels more lively than the other, but #3 or #1 would help show details better + make asymmetrical designs easier.. >.

THANK U i was like.... man i really like 4 but....... thats a whole arm hidden and i never know how i feel about really character-demonstrating poses in the first place yknow? bc i feel like if its more emotive it wont work on as many designs so mayhaps i just. keep that tucked up my sleeve for later or something....... (rotating in my head) i think ill do 3 and then keep 1 on the backburner in case i want another pose sometime later KJHERGKJHAERGKJHAKJERGHAKJHGR

God, Giver Of Sage Wisdom

ASJDA ur welcome!! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

i normally default to front-facing bases (helps shows all the deets + symmetry means i can work on designs faster), but to mix it up i usually add alternate positions for arms/eye shapes n such! that might be something to consider if you go for a more static pose :3c

GOD YEAH symmetry tool is so tempting...... using her on my professional turnarounds and modelsheets feels so good HURVUSVSJBIDB I desire her. i always love ur bases too they feel so natural despite being 100% frontfacing so im like (scribbling notes)