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hey !! sorry for replying late ,, I was playing deltarune and then I went to bed right after since I was up until like two getting through chapter one jdahfjjadhdj I'm doing pretty good :0 my drawing motivation is in the gutter but other than that I'm doing alright ^^ I really hope you're doing well too !! <33 thank you for taking the time to stop by aaa

also figured you'd like to know that I love deltarune and am now obsessed with it and I think I'm a susie kinnie and mm yes yes deltarune is very good game B) it's also mostly thanks to you I got into it I think- I've been wanting to play it for a long while after seeing how much you like the game :0

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that's good to hear !! I'm glad you're doing relatively well at least ^^ and that sounds like fun :O it's really cool that you like performance/acting stuff ,, I kinda admire people who can do performances of any kind because I could never- being on stage in front of people just makes me so anxious ;-; and I'm sure you'll do great !! <3

IT REALLY ISSSS ;;; it's definitely no undertale in my opinion but it's pretty damn close which is saying something- I honestly really like how different it is though ,, it feels like both similar and different from undertale at the same time :0 I just wish chapters came out more frequently ;cRIES; also queen is hilarious and she's my favorite villain in that series I legit laughed so hard at some of her lines- one in particular hAHAHUGDWHGFDJ ;;; yessss susie kinnies for the wINNNN B))

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ah that's too bad you didn't get a bigger role jwrgfhwrgfj but I suppose at least the upside to that is that you don't have much to worry about :'D and yeahhh I figured you preferred deltarune :0 that's totally valid !! and I see where you're coming from I just ,, undertale has been a hUUUGE comfort for me for like ,,, six years now ?? even back when I wasn't able to play it and I was just watching ekho play it- I think that's one of the reasons I'm biased and like it more lmao- bUT that doesn't mean I don't like deltarune hooo boy I love that game too it just ,, doesn't give me that same feeling of nostalgia and comfort as playing undertale, if that makes any sense :'0 the one thing undertale got way better I think is the fourth-wall breaking and multiple routes/every decision you make having a snowball effect on the rest of the plot ;; like sure deltarune's plot has more to it, but mAN the storyTELLING in undertale cannot be beaten by anything (in my opinion) and the multiple routes each with their own spicy new development to the plot is just flat out amazing- whereas I've only played deltarune once so far, I've done playthroughs of undertale like ,, over and over again ,,, I've legit lost track at this point I just love playing through it all and then replaying it again it just never bores me ;-; but again I would probably like deltarune more if it weren't for the thousands of happy/good memories I have that are associated with undertale ^^ bUT YESSS QUEEN IS AMAZING JDHAFUWHEFJ ;;; the line I laughed at was when she gave the offer for you to assimilate into her army after playing the boxing game thingy and she says the whole 'you can either perish under the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bosom of my hellish reign' or smthn like that- aND IF YOU SELECT THE BOSOM OPTION SHE LEGIT SAYS AND IM NOT JOKING: " It Means Tity " AND I LAUGHED SO HARD I JUST JSDFHJERHFJ I CAN'T-

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