Comments on Halloween Adopts (CLOSED) 0/4 All Comments

For the 4th one I can offer anyone here 

or multiple 

I can also offer digital art :-) examples can be found on my Instagram @kushcustomzz or I can pm you some examples on here.

I’d be more then willing to make you a detailed headshot or bust showing the front legs. Or a flat-color  fullbody 

I'll accept this if you're still interested! <3 I'll accept either the detailed headshot or bust!
I absolutely love your art!

You can draw anyone here:

If this is all still okay + you're still interested then please let me know! ^_^

Yes still super interested ;0; I’ll start ASAP. I can pm you wips as well when I get the sketch down if you wish :-) 

Will be done today or tomorrow afternoon at latest! 

I'm super excited to see the result!! <3 I'll upload them separately for you and set them as pending!

Aaa thank you so much! I’m starting now and I’ll pm a wip in like 10-25 mins 

I’ve pmed you the completed piece ;0;