Comments on  Miune Species All Comments

Hey, I was part of the staff team when this was created a long while ago. Is there going to be any updates on the species anymore??

Yes! I’m undertaking a few other projects currently, but I’ll actually be updating this soon! If you want to be a GA for the species or part of the team, you’re welcome to! I’ve added some environmental adaptations and additional variations and begun the development process on a cultural system 

Yes, I would love to be apart of the species again and be a GA! I'm happy to see that it is still remembered about. I understand that you have other things you need to get on first. Thanks for letting me know!

Ill send you a link to the new discord server when it is created!

Is there any chance I could also get a link to the server when created?

Of course! I’m finalizing some lore for the species but it’ll be up soon!

4 Replies