
This is a SEMI-OPEN species.


  • 00/00/2019: Integer ipsum ipsum, eleifend non euismod in, venenatis et felis.
  • 00/00/2019: Donec eleifend lectus vitae elit pellentesque fermentum.
  • 00/00/2019: Praesent euismod ac dolor ullamcorper lobortis. Sed porta nisi purus, ac mattis metus tempor vestibulum.

  • Pellentesque orci libero, feugiat dignissim molestie nec, varius sed turpis. Integer quis ultrices leo.
  • Ut scelerisque dolor eget justo laoreet, id lacinia arcu varius. Nunc ut augue consectetur, laoreet diam id, iaculis mauris.
  • Proin ornare sem augue, ac scelerisque leo sagittis ut. Nunc mattis id diam a fringilla.
  • Ut sem nisl, accumsan in placerat vitae, auctor eget massa.
  • Nulla nec eros a dui lacinia mollis.

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Miunes are a canine/reptilian esque species. They live in wetlands such as swamps and rain forests (basically any place that gets a lot of rain) Their snouts are usually medium to long in length and their noses are a bean shape. They have scaled bellies that extend down to the underside of their tail. The crest of hair that trails from their head to the end of their tail has feathers that protrude out in a line along it's length along with two protruding out near the brow bones.

Ears: Miunes have two backwards facing sets of ears with tufts of fur at the tips. The amount of fur on the inside and tip of the ears varies, but there is commonly an even amount in each ear. Some Miunes lack fur inside or their ears, but this is Rare. However, there will always be a tuft on the tips of each ear as it is mandatory.

Eyes: Miunes have medium sized eyes with a distinct, non-variable shape. The only things that may vary about a Miune's eyes are the shape of the pupil and the color of the iris.

Tongues: Miunes typically have a pointed tongue, but they may have a rounded tongue, or even a forked tongue. Tongues can be any color.

Pawpads: Their hands and feet are fairly large, and their paw pads are squishy and furless, as is the case for most mammals. Pawpads can be any color.

Tail: Tails are usually medium in size, typically about a wolf tail in length, but in some instances they are shorter or longer than is standard. The hair and scales on a Miune's tail correspond to the hair and scales on their body in color.

Crystal: Miunes possess two crystals, one on each thigh. A Miune's crystals monitor their life force. If the crystals glow is dim, it means the Miune is close to death. If the crystals are glowing a standard amount, the Miune is in good health. If the crystals are extinguished, the Miune is dead. If there is a dead Miune is a Miune walking around they're probably some form of undead.

Fur: Miune's fur can come in any sort of pattern imaginable. Their color is range is almost as broad, with the only illegal colors being greens, lime and green-yellows. Teals and blue-greens are acceptable, however. Their hair (the crest running down their back) is not subject to such limitations. A common Miune's fur is usually darker in color, but never completely black. Uncommon and Rare Miunes can possess lighter fur, but not pure white.

Reproduction: Miunes reproduce Asexually through seed pods that are grown in a chamber situated below their stomach. The Miune pukes up one of these seeds when it wishes to have offspring, planting it in the soil so that it can sprout into cocoon-like plant. This plant incubates the infant, which despite being produced asexually will have a genetic code that differs from it's parent due to rapid mutation of the parent code.


Vestibulum vitae gravida tellus. Aenean vulputate maximus pharetra. Curabitur eget magna non velit hendrerit viverra vitae ac lectus. Vivamus vel iaculis quam, eget sollicitudin metus. Suspendisse dapibus, dolor id interdum pellentesque, velit sapien posuere elit, nec iaculis erat dui eu turpis. Nunc vel arcu vitae tellus viverra egestas. Ut posuere mauris metus, et commodo est venenatis et. Praesent auctor a enim at cursus. Nam in sagittis orci. Fusce ligula lorem, vestibulum sit amet condimentum eu, faucibus a risus. Duis eu ipsum sollicitudin, convallis nisl at, consequat ex. Aenean egestas a purus sed lacinia. Cras dignissim sit amet urna id aliquet.

Phasellus convallis gravida congue. Donec odio tellus, eleifend sit amet fringilla vel, lobortis ac leo. Morbi non mollis eros. Praesent sed ante orci. Maecenas luctus sagittis elit vel gravida. Mauris sollicitudin augue sapien, id pellentesque nulla sodales in. Phasellus vel velit vel sem bibendum sollicitudin. Integer varius et libero sed mollis. Maecenas et congue erat, in fringilla tellus. Ut placerat non urna gravida pellentesque. Ut arcu nisi, ornare at felis eget, bibendum facilisis mauris. Ut neque nunc, accumsan a ante ut, vestibulum porta turpis. Sed porta faucibus justo ac egestas. Duis id vehicula turpis, vitae dignissim est.



Pellentesque volutpat pulvinar massa sit amet malesuada. Cras cursus mollis lorem aliquet suscipit. Vivamus lacinia dignissim dui. Etiam eu fringilla nisi, non hendrerit ex. Nullam et placerat purus. Aenean malesuada vitae sem sed porttitor. Sed a scelerisque magna.

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Etiam fringilla mi eu tellus dignissim, id auctor ex dapibus. Etiam efficitur imperdiet nibh et aliquet. Quisque vitae lacus magna. Nulla sollicitudin neque vitae fermentum rhoncus.

(Click image to see full resolution)


Quisque commodo, nisi ut commodo suscipit, ipsum leo molestie nisi, at sagittis leo nunc a augue. Vivamus eget efficitur sem, vitae pulvinar nisl.

(Click image to see full resolution)


Donec quis hendrerit magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

(Click image to see full resolution)


Cras porta ex purus, vitae gravida nulla hendrerit quis. Sed feugiat euismod lectus id interdum. Nulla ex sapien, consequat quis sapien at, interdum convallis lectus. Nunc porttitor ex vitae laoreet elementum.

(Click image to see full resolution)


Cras porta ex purus, vitae gravida nulla hendrerit quis. Sed feugiat euismod lectus id interdum. Nulla ex sapien, consequat quis sapien at, interdum convallis lectus. Nunc porttitor ex vitae laoreet elementum.

(Click image to see full resolution)

Code by AviCode

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Hey, I was part of the staff team when this was created a long while ago. Is there going to be any updates on the species anymore??

Yes! I’m undertaking a few other projects currently, but I’ll actually be updating this soon! If you want to be a GA for the species or part of the team, you’re welcome to! I’ve added some environmental adaptations and additional variations and begun the development process on a cultural system 

8 Replies