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Name: Melanie the Mouse

Occupation: Main roller rink bot/helper bot, she makes sure all the kids know how to skate and helps them on as well as adults, whenever there is an injury while skating she'll quickly skate the injured person/people to a first aid station and comfort any crying children

Abilities: She's extremely fast and has as good as hearing as broken Roxanne, although she is slightly slower in any area that is not her roller rink

How to know she is near: Her tail occasionally hits the ground, producing a metallic BAP!, the light blue parts of her also glow which makes her easier to see. When skating she makes alot of noise, giving you time to dodge.

Where she's at: Melanie's Mega Skating Rink, Main area, Roxy Racing (before decommissioning)

Everywhere (after decommissioning)

Relationships: Friends with Roxy, Chica,, and Sun, Is netural with Freddy, Dislikes Bonnie, Moon, and Monty

Behavior: She will wander her areas looking for the player while corrupted, saying lines in a similar vain to chica, friendly and helpful. When she sees the player she will create some noise while smacking her skates down to charge forward, giving the player a moment to dodge before she charges forward to attempt to catch the player she usually does so in straight lines but can go just around corners, if she hits the player she will jumpscare them, if she misses she'll either resume looking or if she crashes will hold her head for a few seconds, dazed from impact. 

When decommissioned for her upgrade (covered later) she will become angry and seek out the player, constantly at her fastest speed, making less noise and not giving a warning or charging. Crashing into walls no longer stuns her and she will not charge in lines, instead always skating quickly, she's harder to detect in this state but she also has to do wide turns around corners now so you can hide from her in tight places.

Whenever flashed by Camera she will say "Augh! No flash photography!" Or with Lazer Blaster "Augh! No hitting the eyes!"

Decommissioning: Decommissioning her gives you her ears which allow you to hear all bots and see them through walls, you can also see other sound making items. 

The way to decommission her is by bringing her to her roller rink and getting skates (which after gives the player permanent speed boost) then going through multiple obstacles (such as close calls with the bot) to set up obstacle course mode, then with her chasing you, you must complete three laps, at the third one a cutscene will play showing her decommissioning (may animate if character received) after which you take off her ears and begin a chase in which you must make it to the main exit of the roller rink.

Items: Items you can get related to her, 

-Roller Skates

-Melanie Mouse Skates

-"Suepr Skate!" poster

-Melanie Mouse name shirt

-Melanie Mouse plushie

-Melanie Mouse statuette 

-Melanie Ears

Extra: she has a kind sounding voice and will have a special voiced line if she sees decommissioned Roxy ("How.. How could they?!")

Additional voiced lines: 

(Pre decommissioning) "Where are you little boy?"

"Come out! I can bring you to your family!"

"Do you want some sweets? I can give you some if you come out!"

"Ah! There you are! Come here!"

"I won't hurt you! Cmer!"

(After decommissioning) "unintelligible muttering"

"Come out or I'll make you come out.."

"How could you do this?"

"Why would you do this?"

"It hurts..."

"There you are! Cmer!"

"I see you..."

(Secret lines)

When in Freddy suit: "Freddy have you seen that kid? He's not supposed to be here.."

Freddy suit after upgrading: "Are.... are those my ears? Did that kid have something to do with this?!"

Roller Rink (idle): "da dee da doo!~"

"I love skating!"