Comments on 2022 Creature Gacha All Comments

i. bought two more mystery rolls! :] should still be bubbagumfloat on kofi!

You've rolled Hell and Paint Critter!43958483_V4DnOyy0u.png43933139_EQwZ6SkUX.png?1641595970

Let me know if you'd like to keep them or reroll either!

i'll keep hell but i'll reroll paint critter! should be sent now!

You've rolled Rubber Ducky Dragon!


Let me know if you'd like to reroll again or keep either of them!

AHH gonna reroll one more time, it should be sent now!

You've rolled Rainbow Cloudy!


Let me know if you want to roll again or if you want to keep one of the designs you've already rolled

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