Comments on Are TH characters still being ripped for NFTs? All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Wow.....that is just....... 

This really is the wild west isn't it lmao how is THAT not a human rights violation when someone's trying to sell your face???

I know I was on OpenSea the other day just skimming for my own art or art of others I recognized to report (or attempt to report...) and saw pretty much every single piece of Monster Hunter promotional/concept art posted on there. I'm honestly shocked more of these big studios haven't hammered down on these marketplace sites about their IPs being ripped. You'd think if we can rely on anything here it would be on corporations protecting their properties :/

RIGHT? you would think. Then again many of those big corps are "preventing" the theft but just minting and selling NFTs themselves so... Not really helping there.

Since this whole thing has started its honestly made me nervous to post anything at all, seems like no one is safe :c