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I had a different experience probably a year ago. I should've realized something was suspicious, but during my first character clear out (I decided to give them away for free even the ones that had some virtual currency value) - someone wanted all of them. They started selling / trading them away which was my fault for even believing that they wanted everything. I did have to step in and tell them that they couldn't sell dreamselfy characters because that's illegal. Other than that, they're still trying to get rid 80% of those characters away to this day. Like it is my fault for trusting a complete stranger, but it kind of was a slap in the face to find them immediately making sales / trade deals.

Omg that’s absolutely horrible! I hate it when people use other people’s generosity to make a profit! I had this happenening recently with a raffle. Right after I transfered the character they put it up for sale/ trade. I said I was not okay with they and they luckily transfered the character back so I could choose a new winner. But for some reason after sending the characters back they even ended up lying about what happened. It was a really weird situation.