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Name: Dappled'berry 

story: She was born into a clowder of cats where she learnt the basic needs of survival. Her mother always wanted her to become a strong hunter but she always had the passion to help and heal others. She secretly became the apprentice of the clowder's healer and trained in every way possible to become a great healer, like her mentor. 

One day her and her and her mother were walking down a river to catch some fish when her mother fell in, leading to her death. Dappled'berry was mortified by this, she had trained for months to help cats to only have to watch her own mother die. With all this sadness, she just ran away, into the night - never to be seen by her clowder again. 

While she adventured around, she would try to help any animal that needed it. Word got around about her so she'd often have animals coming to her with bundles of herbs, asking for help. This made Dappled'berry set up in a den (so she could store all her storage). Dappled'berry never needed the herbs from other, since she could find her own, but accepted them anyway - never forcing animals to give her them. She then spent her whole life doing what she loved, eventually mentoring a couple animals so that her wisdom could be ever-gowing even in the afterlife. Never forgetting her own mentor that helped her along this path.