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uwoflsdjn Well, I got myself a new girl;

Maybe she could be friends with Chimori, Amaya and maybe Fukuro? she's a pretty mild person, so I found them very fitting :'D 

I'm sorry for all of these link spams haha, I just kfehsdbc need to practice humans some more, And I enjoy doing interaction between characters, so ;v;// <3

As a med ninja Chimori already wants to be her friend since he's also trying to become a med ninja haha he'd very much admire her I think tbh 

Amaya would also be a good choice! Fukuro would depend on how Mari feels about him due to his ruthlessness in combat, he's otherwise hard to approach but he is polite. I do think Fukuro would eventually warm up to her it'd just take some time if she's willing to be patient with him!

Aww I'm glad! <33

Mari is a very patient woman, I'm sure she would take everything slow with Fukuro, she's usually taking it slow with building friendships in general so it shouldn't be a big problem. I'll link them all then!