ikiryo's Profile Comments

oh i cant believe i won the raffle!! thank you so much!!

You're welcome! :D Thank you so much for entering!




Eee, entering and did all! Thank you. This bab is so pretty!

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hell yeah hell yeah, I've got quite a few more I just haven't posted them yet dfghf it's a fun universe to explore for sure!

[massively hype about the new songs also!]

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mooood , I just want to see Sasara in anime 😭😭 [tbh, i hope they do more of the 3D stuff too bc glory or dust was really cool]

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oh really? I didn't know that, mannn I mean i was surprised when it deviated from the manga but it wasn't bad. I like the addition of Iris at least lol plus the anime songs were pretty fun 

but yeah man i feel it i love little filler-y type things that give us more about the characters in their day to day 😔 do you play the game at all? i personally suck at rhythm games but I am doin' my best

1 Replies



Hello!!! I bought Ayaka and it says her and your oc are friends so I wanted to touch base with you to learn about it since I'm going to be using her for an rp and Id love for her to be able to reference her friend ^u^

OHH they were mist buddies! She was gonna be friends with his clan I think, we never got super far into plotting out their friendship but you're welcome to reference him however :- D

Holy hell, your ocs are beautiful. I was browsing your fantrolls and can I just say 👀👀 damn. Theyre all so pretty



Xjdkkdkd thank you! I still have so many missing that I need to upload tho 🤣  is it okay if I draw some of your characters?

OOOO I cant wait to see them when you do 👀👀👀 also of course i would absolutely love that so much omg

i might also... draw some of yours bc i am just hype about trolls right now 

I just, uploaded a bunch of old ones with gross old art so I'm slowly getting them all up 🤣 

Xjxkdkd and thank you!when I get to my sketchbook you may end up with some art your way 👀👀 I've already got some trolls I'm eyeing I wanna draw of yours

OH HELL YEAH, I still have some oldies I made way back when before I started digital art lmao 

i'm so hype, I have friday off maybe we can set up an art trade or somethin' :- 0!! That'd be super fun!

2 Replies

broski im am dieing

i just happened to be watching Naruto when i stumbled on your profile!

I was first like wait what is that Madera in your pfp? Then i was like ok chck folders they may be naruto themed.

and now im so happy! another fellow naruto fan.

now im off to look at your ocs lol

sorry for any spelling errors

No worries!! I don't really mind at all plus I understood what you were saying!

Oh wow haha that's awesome! :- )

Naruto is one of my favorite animes , always nice to meet other people that like it too!!  

Your OCs are super cool :v

I agree with you, their Oc`s are magnificent!

TYSM!!!! 😭😭

You’re welcome!!


I just wanted to say hi, hope that's okay but uh, all of your ocs are truly unique and inspiring hhh

I would wanna draw one of them but I just have alot of stuff going on with my brain recently, maybe I will after I get a little better if that's okay. 👁👁

OF COURSE! Hi, hello! Sorry for responding so late! Thank you so much also I do my best 😭😭 

I loved your jojo ocs they all look so cool[sorry for the random fave spam btw!]! I really love seein' people make fan-parts and really just expanding on the universe in their owns ways it's so cool I hope you post more about your fanpart I'd love to read up on it!

Honestly the gesture enough makes me so happy that you'd want to draw one of my funky little ocs thank you! Perhaps when you're feeling a bit better we could do an art trade or something I'd also love to draw one of your ocs sometime! [though rn i am in such a rut and still have stuff i need to finish first sdfgh] :- )

I hope you feel better soon and things become a little less stressful for you! 

its okay! no need to apologize for responding late, im actually rlly new to toyhouse so im not expecting replies ASAP tbh, and no need to apologize for the random fav spam either since i also did that hhh

im so glad that you like my ocs!, i would love to post more about it but im not exactly sure how :") 

people seem to like the original universe before the whole ending of part 6 alot so i thought to myself "might as well continue that in a way!", im trying to make more characters that will be in it before i even start writing it because i would like to have some things prepared, kinda hard to make characters constantly when your motivation is extremely low though so im trying to possibly get some people who would want to make a character that i could add to it, but i dont have many friends to ask so its quite hard hhhhh

and i would love to art trade although my art isnt even close to top tier!

No worries no worries I get it! I'd be happy to ever help brainstorm if you wanted or just be there to bounce ideas off of!

I could also def make some characters I have a notepad of characters I wanna make and their stands so I could absolutely throw some in! People really did hate the ED of part 6, I liked it to an extent[was still very sad abt it tho] I think it kept to the jojo feel in that sometimes the heroes win but at what cost type of deal y'know?

I have only just gotten into part 7 myself but my attention span is close to nonexistent 😔


wow, tbh i dont even make notes for characters, i just go with what pops into my head and it seems to work to a certain extent, i have alot of discarded characters that just turned out horrible because i dont exactly have the brain for unique designs!

and heck yeah i would love it if you could possibly make some characters that i can possibly use in the story 👉👈

tbh part 6 was definitely one of my favorite parts, probably up in my top 3 list, im like about 75% through part 7 and its really good! my attention span is also quite low sometimes so i havent gotten to finish it

and are you calling me a new friend? cuz like 👀👀 i would love to be friends!

TBH it's nothing super organized a lot of it is funny little things [mostly songs and localized versions of the names] , but like, for Leo all I had down was 'obnoxious amounts of belts florida man' sometimes silly little notes can help a lot and sometimes i end up combining character ideas if one seems like it's lacking! 

really though, if you don't like how an idea is panning out you can always find something silly to add to it and you might end up liking it! [jojo characters I find the most fun because you can be like 'this is my vampire character named Funkee Townhe and he's deathly afraid of mirrors and his stand is walkin on sunshine' and it just works out like that] You def can embrace the silliness!

BUT ALSO ABT THE UNIVERSE, I see it's gonna be set in the future how future did you wanna go w/ it? I'd like to match my characters with the style you have in mind for the part best I can! :- ) [even if you have only a general vibe I can work w/ it!]

Also finally... someone who also really loves part 6 🙏 parts 1,5, and 6 are my top faves so far though i am enjoying part 7 a lot! I'm abt maybe... 15% into it... if that haha

I'd also love to be friends!! 💪 I guess I should also introduce myself, my name is Apollo and I am kind of overly excitable half the time and I'm very sorry in advance! 

4 Replies

i seen you like some of my jojo oc, and then i came across your jojo oc, i really adore them a all and they are so cool! you also have great art too! -if i ever can i would love to draw some them

ooh tysm!! im glad you like them , I love your designs you do a really nice job keeping them aesthetically true to the show!!

if you ever wanted to draw any of my jo's i'd love that so much tbh 🥺 <3  

Your Jojo OCs are gorgeous!!! And I love the Pitter Patter Pop sprites you made for them too its so adorable ;; I'd love to draw them sometime

Oh thank you so much, I'd love that tbh!! Yours are really cool too! The pitter patter style is really fun to practice with if you ever want to do a trade or something I'd be happy to do one for your jojos!

Are you serious??? I'd love to do an art trade with you!

YEAH OF COURSE! They're a lot of fun, feel free to DM me whenever you're up for it! <3

I adore your jojo ocs!!! They look like they would be so fun to draw!!★

Oh tysm!!! I love your character designs esp your jo's as well! [I really love your setting too that's such a fun idea!] 😔💛 

Wow thank you!!! That's so flattering ;;; If you ever wanna just yell about ocs hit me up!!

I absolutely love your art style!! And your Naruto ocs are amazing aaaaaaaaa


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I am willing to accept art/trades for all except Treani who I am not looking to rehome rn! <3

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Hey there! I finished the illustration in exchange for the character! Sorry it took a little while ;o; I hope you like it!!


Ahh no worries, it looks really nice ty ;o ;!!! I'll send over the transfer now <333

ahh thanks for being so patient <3 I'm really glad you like it!! <3


Hello! I'm interested in trading for your babe, Cinnamon! 

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Thanks for the ocs! I especially love the Gem you gave me <3

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Thank you so much for the freebies! Really appreciate it!

Thanks for the free characters!

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He's right here! I have him in my story folder that's probably why you couldn't find him! <3


Unfortunately I am not looking to sell/trade him right now ;v ;!

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No not at all! And ty <3



feuwhoefbqowfvubd Hello, I hope it's ok that I have linked the characters of ours who have made friendships so I can remember who I can draw them with!! ;o;//

fghjkhgf no worries !!

makes it easier for me as well <3

uwoflsdjn Well, I got myself a new girl; https://toyhou.se/3921492.mari-uzumaki#13355068

Maybe she could be friends with Chimori, Amaya and maybe Fukuro? she's a pretty mild person, so I found them very fitting :'D 

I'm sorry for all of these link spams haha, I just kfehsdbc need to practice humans some more, And I enjoy doing interaction between characters, so ;v;// <3

As a med ninja Chimori already wants to be her friend since he's also trying to become a med ninja haha he'd very much admire her I think tbh 

Amaya would also be a good choice! Fukuro would depend on how Mari feels about him due to his ruthlessness in combat, he's otherwise hard to approach but he is polite. I do think Fukuro would eventually warm up to her it'd just take some time if she's willing to be patient with him!

Aww I'm glad! <33

Mari is a very patient woman, I'm sure she would take everything slow with Fukuro, she's usually taking it slow with building friendships in general so it shouldn't be a big problem. I'll link them all then! 

okay just a small comment: Your naruto ocs are so cute :3

okay bye *blushes and runs away*

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sdfghjgfds omg some of them are good beans 


When you accidentally find someone you watch's Toyhou.se

sdfgyu omg hello! i'm trying to get with the times and start using TH 

i didnt realize i had so many ocs.........

You only realize you have so many after you have to write them all down LMAO