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yes!  when using the Custom Coloured version:

  1. Find theses string of codes (there are five (5) for each 'page')
    <div class="bg-faded text-muted p-3" style="height:310px; overflow:auto">
  2. Now, delete bg-faded and text-muted, then add background-color:#HEXCODE;. So now, it should be:
    <div class="p-3" style="background-color:#HEXCODE; height:310px; overflow:auto">
  3. If you were looking for text colour as well, there are 9 text-muted for you to delete (including my credits but feel free to leave them) and after you've done that, you can simply add color:#HEXCODE; at the start of the code (since you are adding a custom background, adding a set text colour will make it readable on all themes)!
    <div class="mx-auto" style="color:#HEXCODE; font-size:90%; letter-spacing:0.5px; max-width:650px">

Hope this helps! <3

OMG thank you so much!