Comments on LF Headcanons!! All Comments

Slides Kokyou in... Since we don't exactly know each other, I'd be happy to do like a trial period to see how we/our Czylphs get along!

he is a lovely czylph ouo and I would be fine with that! What kind of setting do you have in mind for Kokyou? For Kinu, I have fantasy in mind for him. Also, if you need to know something about him, you can def ask me ovo )9

Thank you! I hadn't really fleshed out his world yet, but definitely fantasy, as well! I'd be okay with urban fantasy or something a bit more on the high fantasy side as long as some version of Asia exists there, as I definitely view him as more of an "Asian deity" if that makes sense. I love Kinu's design so much aaaa one of my favorite Czylphs ever. Does he travel a lot outside of his domain/is his domain large?

He is not super developed yet, but I am thinking of high fantasy with Asian feel as well for him. He usually stays in his place, but occasionally likes to go to other places to gauge how generous people are and give out blessings/curse based on that! ouo )b If you follow the species lore, it probably might cause some conflict along the way, as this random czylph is running around another's territory, judging people haha l'D