Comments on ADOPT REMINDER - WIDE VARIETY! All Comments

Hey! I saw this and want to ask if you are able to reduce the price for this boy here? 

sure! i'd be willing to go as low as $40! does that sound ok? 

and if thats too high, please just tell me. ive been getting ghosted by so many offerers lately. id rather just know so i can try to work something else out with you, you wont hurt my feelings!

Hey, sorry for the delayed reply! I am at the moment debating on buying this or another character by a user, but I am unsure of the price range of the other one currently. I do believe it is above my budget range, but if you can't go any lower, it's very fine. I am buying only one or the other character, so forgive me... ;-;

honestly, i desperately need money right now. this character meant a lot to me but i'm willing to work with you. what is your budget range exactly?

Unfortunately, something too came up and I am unable to, I couldn't do the other deal either with the user I was debating. I hope you are able to get funds for the necessities you need ;-;