Comments on F2U Minimal Moodboard All Comments

Heya! I absolutely love the Layout of this code, but i got some issues with the actual code. the first thing i noticed was that the moodboard are not nine singular images, but one. and when i was trying to actually work with the code the resizing issue with the focal image came up. So, to put it into short words, i mashes together User Screen from Pinky and the 3x3 Moodboard snippet from cheeriko to create this code! Its obviously inspired (or rather said.. a copy) by this code and i wanted to check in if you fine with the way your credited. I wont use the code for personal gain, i just want to use it fro my own Characters.

If you got any issues with that please let me know! I do not want to break any rules of yours 

That's fine, feel free to alter anything you like to your own specifications -- the way you have the credit listed is perfectly fine!

(Sorry for the late response, I get a lot of comments and often miss questions - in the future feel free to DM me if you want to make sure I see something!)