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Hi! I want to join the npc contest, and I even designed my dreadnaut for this but today I read it again and i think I'm confused

To join we can use a dreadnaut design myo already approved? Because i send it to be approved in a normal way, as i thought i needed a oficial dreadnaut to join ;_; 

hello! For the NPC contest, you design a new Dreadnaut (you don't need a MYO slot!). Your approved MYO character is a personal OC, so we won't be allowing that for entries.

You don't need an official Dreadnaut to join. If you want to cancel the approval/masterlist, and submit that design to the contest, just ping me (jeju#6969) on the discord server and I'll help you with submission

Ohhhhh god, ok!

I will think a bit what i will do ^-^' thank you ♡