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mk! just been thinking if i dont connect with pip then i might voucher them off as i was planning on selling (the niice design) them
but i might not bc i really do like them, would pip be worth around 50$? (im just asking just in case) 

oh, no, unfortunately the worth would have to remain as the AB price ($37) because a single exception might result in convoluting an entire chain of character worths (eventually adding up to be higher than the initial price without added art)! ;___; thank you for clarifying with me, however - it's very appreciated T . T

actually - I gave it some further thought and I decided the previous rule was just a poor way to handle consistency; it would be unfair to determine the value on something that's unlikely to happen down the line 3 As the original owner, you can sell pip for $50 if you desire!! tysm for checking in with me c:

mk! thank you!