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I was able to get Reignited on Steam so I'm back for another question. I hope it's ok XD

What's your favorite and least favorite level of each game?

oh sweet i hope ur enjoying it :D

that's tough tbh... hm... in the 1st one i like misty bog (bc of my mans bubba) and i kinda like lofty castle too? i like the artisan homeworld as well :0 least fave... i'm not rly big on the magic crafters ones in general, not sure why tho :0 - in saying that, crystal flight is probably my fave speedway

in the 2nd............................................ ah that one's rly hard to pick bc i like p much all the levels! i like mystic marsh, cloud temples, colossus, and shady oasis! i don't care for sunny beach, metropolis, aquaria towers, or robotica farms tho i do still like them! 

i'm honestly not too familiar w/ the 3rd game bc i've only ever played it once and that was when reignited originally came out đŸ˜… i liked cloud spires tho! even tho my game glitched and won't let me get the last gem in it :/ i wasn't too fond of lost fleet or dino mines? i was truthfully a bit weird abt most of the levels bc i'd never played them before ;w;

what ones do u like/dislike?

Ok Bubba is a good choice in dragon to like. Especially since he VA is one I know x3
I just completed the first game (After many laggy moments and finding the right graphic settings T_T) and I gotta say Cliff Town. Idk why but I just really like it even if finding all the gems took me longer than it should have. For least fav Haunted Towers and Tree Tops. Wild Flight as well since it gave me the most trouble.

I'd have to replay 2 now since I can't name levels without looking them up atm. But I hate that bagpipe level in the 2nd world. The sidequests kill me T_T And agreed with farms

For 3 my fav is the 2nd world's skateboarding level! I'm looking forward to playing it in Reignited! As for least liked in 3... I don't remember but I'll say Spooky Swamp for now because the gem glitch in the original. It's sad to hear Cloud Spires has it now T_T

bubba has been my fave since i first saw him revealed in a teaser :'3 brawn but no brains akjdlaks
what dragon is ur fave???

ohhh i like cliff town too! smthn abt it just feels ... friendly? fun? idk but being able to glide around is nice - i'm not rly fond of haunted towers either tbh ;w; i had so much trouble w/ it for some reason. i kinda enjoy tree tops now that i know how to do it but i had to look at so many tutorial videos for that rly big supercharge jump hahaha

aah fracture hills :0 it's funny it used to be one of my faves in the original one when i was a kid, but now i kinda don't care for it much. i used to LOATHE hurricos but now i rly like it :'3 idk what changed 

oh nice! i have so much trouble w/ the skateboarding levels i find the controls a bit hard to use but they are fun :D luckily not many ppl have had the gem glitch in cloud spires (just going by posts in the spyro fb group i'm in since reignited first released) but there were a few who complained abt it ;w;
basically the sparx gem finder tool thingy will point up at that minigame portal in the sky towards the end of the level, but once u go into it sparx'd point back down to the ground :/ idk if they've fixed it yet rip

That's actually a good question. I'm not sure. 

That supercharge jump still kills me even when I remember how to do it T_T
I ended up forgetting how to get to the red theif and had to look up a tutorial for that XD

Yes Fracture Hills! As a kid it took me forever to do that guiding mission! Hopefully it won't take as long now.
Or that sneaking mission where the guy's a spy and you gotta follow hime
And not looking forward to the trolley

I just finished Hurricos last night it looks so good <3
But I hate the supercharge there

Ye that's what happens in Spooky Swamp too! Hopefully they have fixed it.