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bubba has been my fave since i first saw him revealed in a teaser :'3 brawn but no brains akjdlaks
what dragon is ur fave???

ohhh i like cliff town too! smthn abt it just feels ... friendly? fun? idk but being able to glide around is nice - i'm not rly fond of haunted towers either tbh ;w; i had so much trouble w/ it for some reason. i kinda enjoy tree tops now that i know how to do it but i had to look at so many tutorial videos for that rly big supercharge jump hahaha

aah fracture hills :0 it's funny it used to be one of my faves in the original one when i was a kid, but now i kinda don't care for it much. i used to LOATHE hurricos but now i rly like it :'3 idk what changed 

oh nice! i have so much trouble w/ the skateboarding levels i find the controls a bit hard to use but they are fun :D luckily not many ppl have had the gem glitch in cloud spires (just going by posts in the spyro fb group i'm in since reignited first released) but there were a few who complained abt it ;w;
basically the sparx gem finder tool thingy will point up at that minigame portal in the sky towards the end of the level, but once u go into it sparx'd point back down to the ground :/ idk if they've fixed it yet rip

That's actually a good question. I'm not sure. 

That supercharge jump still kills me even when I remember how to do it T_T
I ended up forgetting how to get to the red theif and had to look up a tutorial for that XD

Yes Fracture Hills! As a kid it took me forever to do that guiding mission! Hopefully it won't take as long now.
Or that sneaking mission where the guy's a spy and you gotta follow hime
And not looking forward to the trolley

I just finished Hurricos last night it looks so good <3
But I hate the supercharge there

Ye that's what happens in Spooky Swamp too! Hopefully they have fixed it.