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((Psst if art is from a dollmaker, credit the art with the dollmaker’s link and not yourself. I’d really like to know what that danganronpan one is if it’s a dollmaker))

Was looking for the dollmaker for Chrys, I don't know if any of the other characters what were used from characters I got for free... Chrys's ID card used a dollmaker, but her sprite is from a friend.

Ah I see, well, Lilith Song is made with Charat I think, and while some you got for free aren’t properly credited, it’s not on you. Good luck finding the dollmaker for Chrys, and welcome to Toyhouse! Even though it’s already been a week haha

Thank you, and I already credited Lilith under Designers as Charat!

Ah that’s good! You should still put it as the artist though, since it’s not art you made

Tbh...? Not entirely certain how to do that yet...

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