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Aaaa hey there omg !!!! Aw Swag omg ur so sweet LOL. I'd love to talk some time but I don't know how comfortable I'd be RPing with someone under 18, in general--! I'm really sorry omg... I should've added that to the post-- I'll edit it now tho for sure, though-- omg... You're so nice tho- thank you so much omfg.... If you ever wanna talk, I'm always up for that though !!! Hugs your face !!! <3

Aww that's okay!

I'd like to talk I guess *haha*

Though I am a bit of a nooblet when it comes to this place's PMs *heh*

//hugs you back

Omggg im so sorry Swag !!!!! And gosh omg please dont worry about that !!! Feel free to message me on Goats whenever or u can add me on Skype @UngodlyProtagonist !!!!! Im not used to this place's PMs either LOL

Cool! That's sounds good :3

I'll probably message you teh Goats hehe //laughs awkwardly