Comments on What health insurance do you have? Cost?? All Comments

Hey there falu! Your situation absolutely sucks, so hopefully I can help a bit. I used to work in debt collection (legal department) for a profit hospital! I'm in Alabama, so be sure you do a lil research to make sure this all valid, because you NEED to go to a doctor. This kinda stuff doesn't get better on its own usually. 

It could be nothing- taking some prenatal vitamins is a good way of testing if it's a vitamin deficiency or diet. Or it could be serious like a thyroid. God knows WebMD says everything under the sun is something really serious, so it's best to just leave it to a professional because stressing out will just make it worse. Take care of yourself until you can see someone. A really good friend of mine had sleep issues to where she could barely stay awake and it wound up being a thyroid issue- once she started taking something for it, she perked right up and she seems a lot happier now. 

One) Google a NONPROFIT hospital in your area. Do not even go near a profit one. Most nonprofit hospitals are used to writing off huge chunks of their bills, or have sliding scales for people can't afford help. Ask and thou shall receive a payment plan, and you may be able to skirt just not paying them sometimes. People do it all the time as dishonest as it seems, but the hospital literally knows how to handle it. They'll write you off their taxes, so they get paid on the end, in a way. A profit hospital however, will chase your finances down and gut them (my job was garnishments and revoking drivers licenses.) 

TWO) that shitty Obama care/ health insurance marketplace thing does have some purpose. When I had it, it was like 70 bucks a month for blue Cross blue shield. It was super choosy who I could go to, so make sure your normal doctor takes them before you pick a plan of you go that route. Unfortunately you will be doomed to reviving health insurance marketing calls forever after you do this. (Use a shitty phone) 

THREE) see if your work has something if you have that option. If you're under ancertain age, maybe your parents can cover you with theirs. I'm covered through FEPBLUE which is frikkin amazing but the civilian army isn't exactly quick or easy to get into. 

FOUR) open enrollment is going to pop open in a month or two, so if POSSIBLE you have that option to shop around. 

But most importantly take care of yourself. If you snatch a bad medical bill, you have amazing talents you may be able to turn for profit as horrible as it sounds (you can make adopts or commissions once you're feeling like a human again). Just please please go get looked at. 

Oh I definitely have thyroid issues    and sleep issues.  Although I can't join Obamacare or join the civilian army (because I'm not a citizen) I will definitely look into non profit hospitals!! Thank you for all these suggestions Tekno!! Smooches your face <3333 Hopefully my energy levels remain stable enough to consistently do commissions and adoptables!