Comments on Corrova (WIP) All Comments
  1. Adeiazos: Greek for "empty." Could possibly symbolize the loss of something... Maybe the species could be regular people that have faced a hardship that made them lose part of their very being and left them "empty" and as a result turned into these beasts... 
  2. Kurlings: The oldest language in history is Sumerian, and the Sumerian word for the underworld (particularly the Mesopotamian one) is "kur", with the addition of "lings" which basically means "something to do with."
  3. Ushakis: "Usha" from the Sumerian "in death" with "ki" meaning "earth." TLDR; "Earth In Death." Sumerian root used for the same reason as the last one, with the particular words used being a possible source of lore: the species could be the result of a dying Earth decaying the life force of humans that had once been normal.

    Thank you for hosting & I hope you have a lovely birthday!!!!!!!!