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I'm so sorry you're dealing with this :( If it comes to it, try searching your area for fosters - you might be able to find one to temporarily foster your animals while you find somewhere safe for all of you. Also, there is a subreddit called legal advice that you might check out - even though you weren't legal tenants, there may be laws in your area that prevent you from being kicked out for x amount of days. (I think it might be called squatters rights or something?) And if you have any sort of queer community in the area, reach out to someone. They might have resources for finding you a place to stay.
Good luck, stay strong, and don't forget to take a break and breathe every once in a while <3

Thank you so much, the days have been very overwhelming but I am keeping my head high best I can. There are some lights at the end of the tunnel that we have to wait a bit longer to see if they are true opportunities, but I will take everything you said to mind and start searching. Thank you again, I hope you have a wonderful day <3