Comments on Yuki (Pouflon [ARPG]) All Comments

1. dammit sol I'm signed up for pouflons now 333:< are you happy with yourself. are you proud.

2. sword!yuki and andre should be angsty white haired anime [gender neutral people] together 👀✨

I tried so hard to find a gif of the sword mouse from okami to post on ferret!sword!yuki's comments because he's so tiny and the sword is so BIG and it's all I can think of but I canNOT find any 😭


ngl I was hoping I could somehow drag you into sparklegoat hell lmaooo, glad it happened! (also btw perhaps you could maaayybe claim the referral boon once you get a character 👀! we could get goodies lol) 

and yeesss Andre and Yuki should be angsty white haired anime swordfrens together :D

also I had to look up the okami sword mouse and lmaoo that's great, 100% Yuki